Acad. Year 2023/2024Full-Time Study4 Years Title Awarded Ph.D.
Computer Science and Informatics offers excellent graduates of the Master's degree programme a prestigious education of the highest type in the fields of computer science, computer engineering or information technology. The topic of your dissertation will determine the overall nature and course of study. The research will be a key part of the coursework, which will test practical skills.
After graduation, you will find work in the domestic job market and abroad. You will be a creative worker at top research institutes, a leader of research and development teams, or a university research and teaching staff. You will also apply your extensive knowledge in the private sector.
1st Year
During 1 and 2 year, you will focus on completing two courses of your choice, one theoretical and one optional specialized, focused on the area of your dissertation. You will refine the focus of your topic and report on your scientific results. You will participate in internships and conferences and network with colleagues in academia and industry and publish your results.
2nd Year
During 1 and 2 year, you will focus on completing two courses of your choice, one theoretical and one optional specialized, focused on the area of your dissertation. You will refine the focus of your topic and report on your scientific results. You will participate in internships and conferences and network with colleagues in academia and industry.
3rd Year
At the latest in your 3rd year, you will complete your coursework by passing the state doctoral examination. At the same time, you will present the results and focus of your further research in the next part of this examination.
You will continue to make contacts in academia and industry, particularly through an internship abroad or participation in an international research project.
You will publish the results of your creative work and finalise the text of your dissertation.
For the public defence of your dissertation, it is a requirement that the main results have already been published or accepted for publication in journals or scientific conferences considered relevant to computer science.
4th Year
You will focus intensively on the progress of your research, the publication and eventual application of your results. The most effective of you will have already submitted your theses for defence and successfully completed your studies.
They will pass on all their knowledge and hold you in difficult moments
Prof. Ing.
Sekanina Lukáš
He lectures on Computer Systems Design (how it works and how to build a processor) and a master's course Bio-Inspired Computers. It deals with the use of biology-inspired artificial intelligence for the design and optimization of software and hardware. He leads the Evolvable hardware research group at FIT.
Prof. Ing.
Vojnar Tomáš
Tomas likes to work on the edge between mathematics, formal methods, and their applications in computer science and engineering. He is interested in static analysis and verification with formal roots but also dynamic analysis and testing. He lectures on operating systems too. Apart from the factual contents of the different courses, he strives to teach students to think systematically and to precisely formulate their ideas.
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