Computer and Embedded Systems
Acad. year 2023/2024Full-Time 2 Years Title Awarded Ing.
In this study field, you will acquire theoretical knowledge of analysis, modelling, formal specifications, synthesis, programming and testing of advanced computing systems. You will be able to apply techniques and algorithms to design and implement typical applications rapidly. You will also gain practical skills in designing and using computing systems and platforms. After graduation, many companies will want to pluck you for themselves. You will gain a lot of practical and theoretical knowledge at school. You will be able to develop, design, program and apply both the software and hardware of complex computer systems in practice.
1st Year
They will pass on all their knowledge and hold you in difficult moments
Doc. Dr. Ing.
Fučík Otto
He teaches the Hardware / Software Codesign course, which focuses on various aspects of embedded system design at the system level. He uses his experience from teaching at universities abroad and practical knowledge of designing complex computer systems.
Doc. Ing.
Růžička Richard
Ph.D., MBA
Doc. Ing.
Jaroš Jiří
Teaches Computation Systems Architectures providing detailed information on the modern processor architectures and their efficient programming. You can also meet him in Practical Parallel Programming and Parallel computing on GPUs. These courses introduce the area of high performance computing, artificial intelligence and data mining on top supercomputers.
Doc. Ing.
Kořenek Jan
Teaches the course Advanced Digital Design, which is focused on design of digital systems and hardware devices. These courses provide information to students how to design complex constrained digital systems using contemporary design techniques and introduce modern methods for synthesis and verification of these systems.
What are we talking about?
The technology developed at FIT BUT within the TENACITy (Travel Intelligence Against Crime and Terrorism) project helps security forces in the European Union to securely transfer information about passengers travelling through international airports. …
A public professorial lecture by Associate Professor Jiří Jaroš will take place on Friday 3 May
We cordially invite you to a public professorial lecture: High Performance Computing in Personalized Ultrasound Medicine. It will take place on Friday, May 3, at 11 a.m. in lecture room E 104 and is part of the professorial proceedings.This lecture will take you on an engaging journey from humble …