Computer Networks and Communication
Acad. year 2023/2024Full-Time 2 Years Title Awarded Ing.
Study field Computer Networks and Communications will introduce you to the different network architectures and protocols, enabling you to design new services. You will experience the means to specify and model computer networks and learn how to process and analyse data traffic. You will get hands-on experience in monitoring traffic, analysing unusual behaviour or detecting attacks on network infrastructure. Upon graduation, you will work as network or security administrators, design specific topologies, program network applications and services, or monitor traffic. You will also work as security analysts in the field of data traffic. During your studies, you can get involved in research or development.
1st Year
They will pass on all their knowledge and hold you in difficult moments
Doc. Ing.
Matoušek Petr
Ph.D., M.A.
Doc. Dr. Ing.
Kolář Dušan
Dušan Kolář is the head of the Department of Information Systems. During your studies, you will meet him in the courses Advanced Database Systems and Functional and Logic Programming. He focuses on formal languages, their processing and reverse translation (eg in FIT/Avast cooperation).
Doc. Ing.
Ryšavý Ondřej
Veselý Vladimír
What are we talking about?
The technology developed at FIT BUT within the TENACITy (Travel Intelligence Against Crime and Terrorism) project helps security forces in the European Union to securely transfer information about passengers travelling through international airports. …
Trucks and buses will be equipped with nanoradars and sensors to increase safety. FIT BUT participates in their development
Truck drivers have a poor view of their immediate surroundings - blind spots cover not only the area in front of and behind the truck, but also the sides. So from July 2024, European Commission regulations require trucks and buses to have safety sensors that can detect motorcyclists, cyclists or other vulnerable road users. …