Information Technology
Acad. Year 2025/2026Full-Time Study3 Years Title Awarded Bc.
The modern study field Information Technology will provide you with a wide range of practical applications. Courses include mathematics, electronics, programming and many others. You will be actively involved in research, where you will practice your practical skills. By the time you graduate, companies will be fighting for you. You will become analysts, programmers, testers and maintainers of various software systems, as well as managers and entrepreneurs in the ICT sector. After your bachelor's degree, you can also continue on to a follow-up master's degree.
Information technology moves the world
79 %
students gain practical experience
95 %
students successfully pass the State Final Examination
99 %
graduates find work in the month or continue in a master degree
40 938 Kč
is the average starting salary for graduates
1st Year
Compulsory Courses - Winter
They will pass on all their knowledge and hold you in difficult moments
Doc. Dr. Ing.
Kolář Dušan
Dušan Kolář is the head of the Department of Information Systems. During your studies, you will meet him in the courses Advanced Database Systems and Functional and Logic Programming. He focuses on formal languages, their processing and reverse translation (eg in FIT/Avast cooperation).
Prof. Dr. Ing.
Černocký Jan
He teaches Signals and Systems, mostly a hated object full of complex numbers, convolutions, and other disgusts. Only later will the students appreciate that they will be useful in their life in the processing of sound, video, but also sensory or large-scale data. He like to advise thoughtful students with many projects including Erasmus+.
Prof. Ing.
Hruška Tomáš
Křivka Zbyněk
As a member of Formal Models research group he studies formal languages. He assigns and evaluates students' projects in Formal Languages and Compilers course and Principles of Programming Languages course. He tries to be helpful but the points have to be earned. Outside school he organizes Animefest.
Prof. RNDr.
Meduna Alexander
He is a theoretical computer scientist and expert on compiler design, formal languages and automata. Formerly, he taught theoretical computer science at various Asian, European and American universities, including the University of Missouri, where he spent a decade teaching advanced topics of formal language theory. He wrote over ninety scientific papers and several books.
Smrčka Aleš
His main interest is quality control of software. He puts a lot of effort in research of software testing and helps students to create functional and bug-free programs. He does not bring knowledge and experience as is, he rather leads students to think about complex problems and solutions by themselves while providing real scenarios from practise.
Prof. Dr. Ing.
Zemčík Pavel
Teaches Multimedia, Image Processing, Advanced Computer Graphics and Computer Vision. These are subjects that are useful to students in practice. If necessary, he will be happy to advise students on study, as well as research on image and video.
What are we talking about?
We cordially invite you to a public professorial lecture: High Performance Computing in Personalized Ultrasound Medicine. It will take place on Friday, May 3, at 11 a.m. in lecture room E 104 and is part of the professorial proceedings.This lecture will take you on an engaging journey from humble …
Trucks and buses will be equipped with nanoradars and sensors to increase safety. FIT BUT participates in their development
Truck drivers have a poor view of their immediate surroundings - blind spots cover not only the area in front of and behind the truck, but also the sides. So from July 2024, European Commission regulations require trucks and buses to have safety sensors that can detect motorcyclists, cyclists or other vulnerable road users. …