CAMEA, spol. s r.o.
silver partner
CAMEA spol. s r.o. is developing and manufacturing modern image and signal processing systems for industrial use, traffic monitoring and other applications. CAMEA spol. s r.o. is active in these areas:
- researching methods and algorithms for image processing and computer vision
- research in areas of computer graphics and human-computer interaction
- researching image sensors and hardware-accelerated signal processing
- designing tools and subsystems for image and signal processing
- designing systems and custom solutions using the results of the research
- manufacturing and selling image sensors and image processing devices
CAMEA spol s r.o. was founded in 1995. The company originated around a group working in the areas of image processing, computer graphics and signal processing at Faculty of electrical engineering and computer science, Technical University of Brno, Czech Republic. The company has expanded and currently focuses on creating systems for image processing in industry and traffic monitoring.
Besides systems and custom solutions, CAMEA spol. s r.o. is active also in designing, manufacturing, and selling components for image and signal processing, such as video cameras, digitizing boards for PCs, standalone microprocessor control-boards and standalone signal processor boards for both controlling and image or signal processing purposes.
The company is further engaged in creating programming tools and subsystems for real-time image and signal processing. The headquarters and developement and manufacture facitilies are located in Kořenského 25 in Brno. In addition, the company has leased space in Lanškroun, near one of our biggest customer the company AVX Czech Republic s.r.o., and also in Prague.
Event Partner
FIT Guarantor
Bachelor's and Master's Theses
- DP: Image Capture and Detection of Humans and Objects in Vehicles, supervisor: Zemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing., dr. h. c., available, 2024
- DP: Radar Signal Processing (and Fusion with Image?), supervisor: Zemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing., dr. h. c., available, 2024
- BP: Radar Signal Processing and Fusion with Image, supervisor: Zemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing., dr. h. c., assigned, 2024
- DP: Automatická analýza obrazu pro kontrolu kvality výroby textilií, supervisor: Zemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing., completed, 2021
Grants and contract research
- AI for Traffic and Industry Vision, 2019-2021
- AI-augmented automation for efficient DevOps, a model-based framework for continuous development At RunTime in cyber-physical systems, 2021-2024
- Algorithm preparation and software for data transmission and VoIP transmission for FPGA, embedded processors and PC, 2018
- Analysis and processing of data structures on the base of the VoIP protocol IPv4 and IPv6, 2012-2015
- Arrowhead - Arrowhead Tools for Engineering of Digitalisation Solutions, 2019-2022
- BOREC - Colour Image in "Realtime Embedded Computing", 2018-2020
- CAMEA 2021, 2021-2022
- CEPTIS - Computing Embedded Platforms for Traffic, Industry, and Surveillance, 2015-2017
- Condition diagnostics and protection of bridge constructions system with application of WIM system, 2021-2024
- Configuration and security of an embedded sensor data acquisition system, 2019-2021
- Contractual research for CAMEA company, 2016
- Data acquisition, expert consultation, 2018
- Detection of Traffic Threats and 3D Semantic Analysis of Traffic Scenes, 2024-2025
- Distributed Multi-Sensor System For Human Safety and Health, 2024-2027
- Intelligent Sensors for Traffic Monitoring, 2022-2023
- Intelligent Sensors for Traffic Monitoring - Camea SV, 2022-2023
- MUSIC - MuSiC - Multi-level Security for Critical Services, 2018-2021
- Next Perception, 2020-2023
- Preparation of algorithms and software for processing of data and VoIP transmissions for FPGA, embedded processors and PC, 2017
- RoQuIEm - 5G-enable Road Quality Monitoring based on Embedded Intelligence, 2023-2025
- Safe and Secure Traffic Systems of New Generation, 2022-2023
- Safe and Secure Traffic Systems with Advanced Technology, 2024-2025
- SECUSEN - SECUre SENsors and data, 2019-2021
- SECUSEN II: SECure SENsors - Industrial Intelligence, 2021-2022
- Smluvní výzkum pro společnost Camea, 2015
- Smluvní výzkum pro společnost Camea 2015 II, 2015
- System for image data analysis to attend needs of Police of the Czech Republic, 2017-2018
- VALU3S - Verification and Validation of Automated Systems' Safety and Security, 2020-2023
- Verification of the implementation of continuous traffic load map using modern classification and prediction methods, 2012-2014
- WIM LA - Camea SV, 2022-2023
- WIM Latin America, 2021-2023