Thermo Fisher Scientific Brno s.r.o.
silver partner
Thermo Fisher Scientific Brno s.r.o. is the world leader in serving science, with more than 90,000 employees in 50 countries. In the Brno technological center, electron microscopes and spectrometers are developed and manufactured, which has a history dating back to 50's to the former Tesla Brno company. Our instruments contribute to research and new discoveries in many fields including medicine, material science or development of future microchips.
The software is a brain of our instruments. It controls the hardware and compensates inaccuracies with a nanometer precision. It processes massive streams of data. It must be capable of self-recovery and self-diagnostics. Our applications automate scanning of microscope samples and/or cutting them using an ion beam, and thus revealing structures under the surface. These automatic processes can take more than a week, but every single pixel of precious data must be preserved.
Our software engineers face a variety of challenges; some of our colleagues are FIT graduates - e.g. the software manager Jaroslav Kadlec.
Event Partner
Main partner 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023
Partner 2024
Analýza materiálu pro 3D tisk kovových dílů na elektronovém mikroskopu Explorer (2018)
Jak na unit testy v .NET Core (2019)
Softwarové prototypování: postupy, nástroje, tipy a triky (2019)
CI/CD: Moderní způsob vývoje a nasazování software (2020)
Dvě pravidla pro psaní komentářů (2020)
How to (not) Shoot Yourself with Exceptions (.NET) (2021)
High-Tech Scientific Instruments Powered by AI (2021)
Od desktopové apky po továrnu v Samsung (2022)
Z FITu do světa elektronové mikroskopie (2023)
Digitální dvojče elektronového mikroskopu (2024)
FIT Guarantor
Bachelor's and Master's Theses
- DP: 3D model from a image stack taken with a fluorescence microscope, supervisor: Čadík Martin, doc. Ing., Ph.D., completed, 2023
- BP: Measuring the thickness of contamination layers in scanning electron microscopy using image processing, supervisor: Čadík Martin, doc. Ing., Ph.D., completed, 2023
- DP: Kalibrace fluorescenčního optického mikroskopu s pomocí elektronového obrazu, supervisor: Čadík Martin, doc. Ing., Ph.D., completed, 2022
- DP: Measuring the Thickness of Material Layers Removed from a Sample in an Electron Microscope, supervisor: Čadík Martin, doc. Ing., Ph.D., completed, 2022
- DP: Metody pro shlukování a vyhledávání v obrazových datech z elektronových mikroskopů, supervisor: Čadík Martin, doc. Ing., Ph.D., completed, 2022
- DP: Bulk Operation Orchestration in Multirepo CI/CD Environments, supervisor: Koutenský Michal, Ing., completed, 2020
- DP: Elektronový ray tracer, supervisor: Čadík Martin, doc. Ing., Ph.D., completed, 2018