Cookies usage information

What are cookies?

Cookie is a short text file that a web you visit sends back to your browser. It allows the site to save information about the settings of the visited page, such as preferred language, displayed tab, sorting settings, login, etc. Cookies are important. Without them, browsing the site would be much more complicated. The vast majority of websites use cookies for their business.

How cookies are divided

Cookies can be broken down by who is placing them:

  • First-party cookies - they are created directly by the site you are visiting.
  • Third-party cookies - they are created by another site from another domain. This allows users to be tracked across domains. They are often used for advertising purposes.

Depending on the durability, cookies can be divided into:

  • Short-term (session cookie) - will be deleted from your device after you close your browser.
  • Long-term (persistent cookie) - after closing the browser retained, will be cleared only after a longer period of time (depending on the settings of your browser and cookie setting). You can also manually remove them.

According to the purpose, we can divide cookies as follows:

  • Technical - enable basic site features (such as login, language switching, etc.) or page features (such as user preferences, filtering, sorting, etc.).
  • Analytical - used to collect anonymous data on user behavior.
  • Marketing - used to target ads to users.

According to European legislation, the usage of short-term technical cookies does not require informed user consent and may be used by the website to ensure functionality.

For more information about cookies and their use, see the EU legislation on cookies.

What cookies do we use?

We use both technical and analytical cookies on our site. Long-term cookies are used for:

  • remembering user settings for storing cookies ("cookieconsent_status"),
  • remembering user preference language settings if different from browser settings ("webfit_lang"),
  • remembering filter settings and sorting table lists ("tablesorter-filters", "tablesorter-savesort"),
  • font download optimalization ("fontsLoaded"),
  • an anonymized web usage analysis using Google Analytics ("gafit_ga", "gafit_ga_gid").

We do not use them for any other purpose, we do not associate the data obtained through them with any other data, and we work with cookies in such way that they do not allow identification of specific people, except for the short-term login cookies ("cosign-FIT-Web" and "FITWEBSESSID") that identifie the authenticated FIT user.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics uses cookies to analyze website usage. If you allow cookies, information about your use of our web site identified by the cookie (including your anonymized IP address) will be sent and stored on Google, Inc. servers. All data collected in this way will be processed anonymously and will be deleted automatically 14 months after the last visit. The data is intended solely for the evaluation of the use of the web site. No personal information such as email, name, phone number will be sent to Google, Inc.

How to setup storage of cookies


You can delete cookies in your browser - it is usually located in the "History" of the pages you visit or in the "Privacy Settings".


You can disable storage of long-term cookies in your browser here. In this case, only the "cookieconsent_status" cookie will be stored on your device and all other technical cookies will be generated as short-term (session) cookies. Analytical cookies will not be generated and Google Analytics usage tracking will be turned off.

Cookies Settings Status

Storage of cookies disabled

Enable cookies

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