
BUT is among world's five best institutions in the field of speech recognition

The latest ArnetMiner server's "AI 2000 Most Influential Scholars" ranking has confirmed that FIT researchers are among the world's leaders in the area of speech recognition. BUT is among the world's five most important institutions in this field in the world - alongside Google, Facebook, IBM and Carnegie Mellon University. FIT researchers Lukáš Burget, Jan Černocký and Pavel Matějka also feature in the list of the world's 100 most influential researchers. The Brno University of Technology is the only Czech institution to be included in the ArnetMiner tool for indexing and searching authors, publications and data in the field of computer science and BUT researchers, together with Tomáš Mikolov, a graduate of FIT, are the only Czechs indexed there. The Faculty of Information Technology and the BUT Speech@FIT research group have been among the leaders in the field of speech data mining for a long time now and they will host the world's largest conference in the field, InterSpeech 2021, this year.


Erasmus + and Freemovers internship placements opened for students and recent graduates

Until 18 May, those interested in studying abroad can apply for Erasmus+ practical and graduate internships (implemented by the end of September 2022) and for Freemovers (implemented by December 2021). As part of the Freemovers program, the faculty will support practical internships outside the EU, a summer / winter school or a professional online or off-line course. For more information, contact M. Studena.


Ph.D. students are preparing development of the CubeSat satellite at BUT

The BUTCube team succeeded in the new BUT grant competition for Ph.D. students with its project dedicated to the development of a small space satellite. Over the next two years, the team will work on the development and design of a CubeSat satellite and its testing. BUTCube is the first BUT team tasked with the creation of an entire CubeSat. They also plan to use the small satellite to test a number of innovative features - for example, 3D printing with thermoplastics. Members of the team also include Ph.D. students from the Department of Intelligent Systems - Štěpán Rydlo and Petr Malaník. They will be in charge of hardware development - solar panels, battery/power management and the control unit, as well as programming the satellite. However, other FIT students who would be interested in writing a Bachelor's or Master's thesis on this topic can also join the project. You can learn more about the BUTCube project in the article (in Czech).


FIT team wins first place in the MAPC - Multi-Agent Programming Contest

A FIT BUT team won the fifteenth year of the most prestigious multi-agent programming competition, MAPC 2021. Consisting of František Zbořil Jr., Václav Uhlíř as the main programmer and doctoral students František Vídeňský and Martin Šůstek, the team succeeded in global competition at the event, which compares different programming systems and approaches to the design of multi-agent systems. The team developed their own system, which succeeded in a series of challenges called Agents Assemble. "In this competition, the agents need to be quick, independent and have the social abilities to cooperate and resolve conflicts. We opted for a more reactive approach in which agents are not burdened by the commitments of previous plans and have the ability to quickly react to unexpected changes in the system. This paid off and our system outperformed other teams who relied on more stubborn agents," explained František Zbořil Jr. The aim of the MAPC competition is to promote research and development in the field of multi-agent system programming. The solutions and results of this competition are then regularly published in scholarly journals.


Brno International Summer School in Information Technology

The Faculty of Information Technology opens an International Summer School in IT. It will offer courses in cyber security, machine learning and interactive applications to people from around the world. From July 7 to 24, participants will receive theoretical and practical seminars, as well as visits to technology companies or informal trips to interesting places. For more information see HERE.

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