
Researchers at FIT BUT in cooperation with Adobe Research developed a new augmented reality method and are waiting for their pat

Imagine yourself pulling out your phone to take a picture of a beautiful view. You point the camera towards the landscape and your device tells you, in augmented reality, the names of surrounding hills, their elevation, tourist paths in the area and can even show you the terrain contours. The new software tool created by researchers of the CPhoto@FIT BUT group is able to recognise the photographer's location and the photographed object and knows what the surrounding area looks like under different weather conditions. This allows you to edit the picture at home, e.g. make it sharper or adjust the shadows. On top of that, it can take you back to the place where the picture was taken using virtual reality. You can find more information in the article


FIT contributes to the creation of Brno.AI, Brno's new artificial intelligence platform

Autonomous cars and receptionists, applications for the visually impaired, voice recognition, virtual power stations or developing a cure for Covid - all this could be achieved by employing artificial intelligence. Brno's experts on artificial intelligence set themselves a goal to achieve its greater practical use and, on Thursday, introduced a common platform - It was created not only by professionals from FIT BUT and Masaryk University, but also by representatives of IT companies, the South Moravian Region and the City of Brno as well as the JIC innovation agency. For more information, click HERE


The second place in 8 of BUT won by a FIT student with a simulation of lunar probe landing

8 of BUT, that is eight Bachelor's degree graduates from BUT who succeeded in the annual presentation competition 8 of BUT, which was this year organised in the form of online presentations due to the pandemic. The jury composed of representatives of BUT awarded the second place to a FIT student Jakub Karpíšek, who simulated landing of the Beresheet probe on the Moon. "My task was to calculate the optimal descent trajectory for the Beresheet spacecraft's landing on the Moon and to design an environment for visualisation of descent trajectories. I managed to find the optimal descent trajectory which even counts with a reserve of fuel, and I also created an environment that provides users with simple and intuitive view of the descent trajectory. In addition, they can easily interfere with the visualisation," describes Jakub Karpíšek.  8 of BUT is a traditional presentation competition of the best Bachelor's theses wrote by students of all faculties of BUT in the last academic year. The winner of the 8th year of the competition is Michael Rosický, a student of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. For more information, go to the BUT website.


Two FIT students received prizes in the Brno PhD Talent competition

Among the 130 participating first-year doctoral students, two entrants from the Faculty of Information Technology impressed the jury of Brno PhD Talent, a competition among Brno universities. Roman Andriushchenko and Jiří Pavela, both from the Department of Intelligent Systems, made it to the top-twenty-five and will thus receive a scholarship from the city of Brno. While Roman Andriushchenko focuses on computer-aided synthesis of probabilistic models, Jiří Pavela works on efficient techniques for measuring software performance. The competing projects and contestants themselves have been assessed by leading experts, primarily from abroad. The selected students will receive a financial aid of CZK 300,000 paid over the next three years. It should provide talented doctoral students with better conditions so that they can fully devote themselves to their studies and research.


System for answering human questions developed at FIT succeeded in a trivia quiz

It was a close call, but team of researchers from the KNOT@FIT group - Martin Fajčík, Martin Dočekal, Karel Ondřej and Pavel Smrž - managed to come in third at the EfficientQA competition held as part of the NeurIPS 2020 conference. Their system called BUT R2-D2 succeeded alongside such big names as Facebook or Microsoft and triumphed in the "machine competition" where it also competed against humans in a trivia quiz. You can find more information HERE

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