
Government regulations allow presence at examinations and close canteens

The new regulation of the Government of the Czech Republic, with effect from 14th October 2020, allows the personal presence of university students at examinations, with a maximum of 10 people during examinations. Also some BUT canteens cannot be opened due to a government regulation from 14th October 2020. The canteen window in the Pod Palackého vrchem complex will remain in operation, and canteens of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication BUT will be available only for employees.

The government's measures newly prohibits the accommodation of students from the Czech Republic on university dormitories, however, it is possible to consider the specific situation of the student. However, the restriction does not apply to foreign students with permanent residence outside the Czech Republic.


FIT will host an online debate of four important personages in the field of IT

Four prominent personages of the "Czech Silicon Valley" will meet virtually on Thursday, 22 October, at the seminar called Od studenta k CEO/CTO (From Student to CEO/CTO) (FB event HERE). During the virtual meeting, they will discuss their path to exceptional technology, how they were able to build a product and finalise it or succeed on the market with it. Invitations of FIT have been kindly accepted by:

       Martin Cígler the holder of the IT Personality of the Year award and the FIT Information Technology Development Merit Medal, but above all, he is the founder of a company, which under his leadership grew from a small Brno company into an international holding - Solitea - with a turnover in the amount of two billion Czech crowns.

       Jan Najvárek the co-founder and co-owner of ARTIN, one of the most innovative Czech companies, which employs three hundred of the brightest minds in Brno. He is also involved in the development of RoboAuto and BringAuto autonomous vehicles.

       You can meet Jan Kořenek, who is an academic achieving excellent scientific results, at FIT. However, he is also the founder of the Invea Tech spin-off - two world-famous companies Flowmon Networks and Netcope Technologies, which are among the industry leaders and deliver solutions to industry giants such as Intel.

       Zbyněk Poulíček founded his company GINA with his classmates when he was still studying at FIT. Their idea, which was praised even by Bill Gates, is now helping to save lives all around the world.

We invite you to this Virtual Meeting. You can find more information on the event here.


The government closes universities for students for two weeks

With regard to the epidemiological situation getting worse, the Government of the Czech Republic accepted a resolution restricting the operation of universities with effect from 12th October 2020 to 25th October 2020 by prohibiting the personal participation of students in classes and also participants in lifelong learning courses. This cancels the existing exception of laboratory, artistic or experimental work (in small groups), individual visits to libraries and study rooms, individual consultations, etc. Only medical students have an exception (general medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, and other medical study programs). This regulation applies to the whole country.


Star(t)up@FIT: Students will be able to talk to successful start-up owners and investment managers, as well as to each other

What experience have you gained from your journey towards a successful business? Where to get the funds to start a new business? What are the success factors and what are the common mistakes of new entrepreneurs? These and other questions will be answered during the first two seminars of the Star(t)up@FIT programme. These will take place online - on Thursday, 22 October, there will be a panel discussion titled Od studenta k CEO/CTO (From Student to CEO/CTO) with successful start-up owners, and on Wednesday, 4 November, a discussion with Martin Kešner, Investment Director of a VC Fund - J&T Ventures, as part of the Od nápadu k produktu (From Idea to Product) seminar. Students can also discuss their innovative and business ideas with each other and with FIT consultants in a working group established on Discord.


First-year students in the Master's study programme will receive new Raspberry Pi microcomputers from FIT

FIT will give out over two hundred small single-board Raspberry Pi 4 computers with small accessories to first-year FIT students enrolled in the Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Master's study programme. "Students can use them in a number of courses and, in addition, in the current situation they can work on various school projects from home," says Pavel Zemčík, Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology. However, the Raspberry Pi has a much wider use - students can, for example, connect small electronic devices to it, use it to play multimedia content, run office programs, browse the web or use it to automate their home. "We hope that with this new initiative, we will be able to pass on a positive attitude towards hardware and, in particular, an impulse that might kickstart other interesting projects," adds Pavel Zemčík. Starting from 1 October, all new first-year students of the Master's study programme can collect the microcomputers at the Student Services Department during office hours.

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