
Representatives from the Beijing Institute of Technology explored studying in Brno

A delegation of students and academics from the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) visited our Faculty in August.

They attended various lectures and presentations as well as enjoyed numerous cultural and social activities.  One of the highlights was an evening event with representatives from the Student Union of FIT at the students' club. Our Chinese colleagues had the opportunity to taste various Czech specialties, exchange experiences with our students about studying in both China and here, and enjoy a wonderful time together.

The delegation was led by Leading Professor Liu Hao, whom the Brno University of Technology (VUT) has maintained a long-standing collaboration with, primarily in the field of air traffic management and aviation technologies. Professor Hao has previously been awarded the VUT Silver Medal for his work.

The visit provided an excellent platform for fostering international academic exchange and strengthening the ties between our institutions. It is through such interactions that knowledge and expertise can be shared, enhancing the quality of education and research on a global scale.

The chinese students and academics met with the representatives ouf our Student Union of FIT at the students' club Kachnička.


NSTC International Internship Pilot Program in Taiwan

For international students to experience Taiwan's strengths in the field of S&T, National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) provides the international internship pilot program (IIPP) to attract global talents. Furthermore, we expect some of these interns will engage in advanced studies or start a career in Taiwan. More information at

Host Unit

Interns will do their internship in Academic and Research Institutions in Taiwan.

Who can apply

Bachelors, masters and PhD students with foreign nationality who meet the six core strategic industries can apply.


Interns will receive 30,000 NTD subsidy monthly, 3 months at most.


The internship will start from July, 2023 to January, 2024, no later than 2024.03.30. The matching platform will launch in May, 2023.


Empowering Global Minds: A Summer of Knowledge Exchange in Computer Security and Technology

The Faculty of Information Technology and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication teamed up in June to enhance the knowledge of Strathmore university students within the Academic Programme. One group of students from Kenya focused on theoretical and practical lectures in computer security at our faculty, while another group earned certificates from Electroenergetics.

In July, foreign students convened at FIT for the fourth time to advance their expertise in Computer Security, Forensics, and Machine Learning as part of the Brno International Summer School in Information Technology (BISSIT). This annual program continues to attract participants seeking to foster their knowledge in the above fields.


Barbora Šmahlíková Achieves Yet Another Prestigious Award

Barbora Šmahlíková, our undergraduate student, has added another prestigious price to her growing list of achievements. The Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms (VCLA) has given her the "The Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award" for her exceptional work in the area of formal methods.

The significance of her recent success is underscored by VCLA's stature as one of the world's premier organizations dedicated to logic and formal methods.

Barbora's groundbreaking research in the field of omega automata has not only garnered recognition on the international stage but has also earned her acclaim home. Just this June, she was honored with the Government Award for Exceptional Student Achievements in Research.


Embarking on a Cybersecurity Journey with Suricata

Join Juliana, Shivani, and Lukáš in a fascinating exploration of the cybersecurity field, using a powerful open-source tool called Suricata. This presentation focuses on network monitoring and malware detection, illustrating the importance of open-source solutions in cybersecurity. The cybersecurity overview is complemented by a hands-on demo showcasing the features and capabilities of Suricata, familiarizing participants with methods to tackle cybersecurity challenges in their environment.

Juliana Fajardini is a Suricata code developer since 2021. She also writes documentation and mentors interns who join OISF via the Outreachy initiative. Juliana loves reading, swimming, biking, traveling, and eating.
Shivani Bhardwaj is a core Suricata developer working on mainstream Suricata, its helper tools, and internal tooling to make development and releases easier. Shivani loves great memes, good food, and all things fluffy.
Lukáš Šišmiš is a Ph.D. student and researcher at CESNET by day and a core Suricata developer by night where he focuses on Suricata acceleration through DPDK.

The lecture takes place on Friday, 12 May 2023 at 11:00 at FIT BUT, room E112.
Please let us know your participation using this form.
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