Category: news
Day: 30 October 2019
Prestigious ERC CZ grant for Lukáš Holík and the VeriFIT group
How to make the automata technology more efficient so that the number of theoretically known application opportunities for finite-state machines can be realised in practice? The VeriFIT research group will look for new ways to achieve this goal as Lukáš Holík received a grant from the ERC CZ programme for the following five years. This national prestigious programme of support for research, experimental development and innovations provides funding for projects that were not supported at the European level due to insufficient funds within the European call. In the call, only seven projects were selected for the entire Czech Republic and the one selected for BUT is from the team at FIT. The project is concerned with research of technology for effective work with finite-state machines in applications such as verification and analysis of security of web applications and programmes handling data chains, programmes with indicator data structures, as well as in network operation inspection or in search for patterns.