Category: news
Day: 10 December 2019
Pavel Zemčík to keep the post of the Dean of FIT
The Faculty of Information Technology will continue to be led by its current Dean Pavel Zemčík. It was decided on Tuesday by the members of the Academic Senate of FIT who elected him in a secret ballot by ten out of eleven votes. Pavel Zemčík, who was the only candidate in the election, served as the Dean of the FIT for the past four years.
"FIT is now a renowned, well-equipped and high-quality faculty. But the world is always moving forward. We must work intensively on the development of the faculty rather than only maintain its current condition. The task of the new management is likely to be different from the task of the current one as it will have to work in an environment that can change very quickly, especially when it comes to evaluation and financing of education," considers Pavel Zemčík.
In his upcoming term of office 2020-2024, he plans to focus primarily on supporting the improvement of quality of research and education and promotion of sound economic conditions of the faculty's operation.