Category: news
Day: 15 June 2021
Czechitas Thesis Award for Kristýna Zaklová of FIT
Three best Bachelor's theses in the field of IT submitted between February 2020 and February 2021 won the Czechitas Thesis Award. The award for the best IT thesis written by a woman was presented to Kristýna Zaklová of FIT for her design and creation of a web-based search engine "Komu patřím" (Who do I belong to) that allows users to search for records of registered pets. It can make the job easier especially for animal control, veterinarians, police and other people who need to identify a pet and its owner (we informed about it on the FIT website earlier this year). The committee evaluated the uniqueness of the idea, the quality of the thesis, its use in practice and evolution of the project based on mentoring which all participants underwent.