Brno City Award for Peter Chudý of FIT
The members of the Brno Municipal Assembly approved the proposal to award 15 people who will receive the Brno City Award 2021 from the Mayor next year. In the category of technical sciences, the prize will be awarded to Peter Chudý of the Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia, Faculty of Information Technology, BUT. Mr Chudý focuses, among other things, on numerical simulation of flow, designing cyber-physical systems or modelling and simulating dynamic systems. In the past, he has been awarded the gold medal at the International Engineering Fair for his design of light aircraft autopilot and has gained wide recognition for his work in the area of navigation systems. The award ceremony should be held in February if the epidemiological situation is favourable. The Mayor Markéta Vaňková congratulated all the laureates: "Their career journey is impressive, they are internationally acclaimed and they show moral strength. I am happy to award these people to repay them for their work in Brno and for Brno and to remind our citizens of the great people who live next to them." |