
Brno City Award for Peter Chudý of FIT

The members of the Brno Municipal Assembly approved the proposal to award 15 people who will receive the Brno City Award 2021 from the Mayor next year. In the category of technical sciences, the prize will be awarded to Peter Chudý of the Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia, Faculty of Information Technology, BUT. Mr Chudý focuses, among other things, on numerical simulation of flow, designing cyber-physical systems or modelling and simulating dynamic systems. In the past, he has been awarded the gold medal at the International Engineering Fair for his design of light aircraft autopilot and has gained wide recognition for his work in the area of navigation systems.

The award ceremony should be held in February if the epidemiological situation is favourable. The Mayor Markéta Vaňková congratulated all the laureates: "Their career journey is impressive, they are internationally acclaimed and they show moral strength. I am happy to award these people to repay them for their work in Brno and for Brno and to remind our citizens of the great people who live next to them."


The second best Czech or Slovak diploma thesis in the field of IT comes from FIT

The twelfth year of the competition for the best diploma thesis in the field of IT, in which nearly 1,300 students from 13 Czech and Slovak universities took part, has its winners. They were selected by an expert jury composed of 19 academics and IT business professionals on Wednesday, 8 December. Patrik Goldschmidt from FIT, who also won the People's Choice Award, ranked second. For more information, read the article


From a start-up of academic staff to a global leader: Phonexia becomes the company of the year

Phonexia won the company of the year 2021. The company was founded fifteen years ago as a "speech research" group at FIT with which it has been very closely co-operating up to these days. Phonexia is a global leader in its field - a unique technology which, as the first one in the world, is able to identify a speaker solely using a neural network to achieve the highest accuracy and speed possible. The company owes its global success to long-term top-quality work by researchers and scientist in the field of voice technology. For further information, consult the Phonexia or South Moravian Innovation Centre website.


Printed violoncellos are played by a philharmonic concertmaster or a hockey player

Did you know that when a violoncello player travels with the instrument, they must buy the instrument its own flight ticket? That gets expensive and not even an extra fee may be enough to alleviate the fear of an instrument which is sometimes worth hundreds of thousands of Czech crowns getting damaged. Last spring, a new product arrived to the Czech market which can easily fit in a violin case. Many fans of classical music would think it too bold and perhaps doomed to failure, but the 3D printed violoncello made by a BUT graduate raised over a million Czech crowns in a public fundraiser campaign and also made an appearance at the stage of Brno Philharmonic. For more information, read the article


The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic awarded a prize to FIT for its co-operation on development of an IoT monitoring soft

For the ninth time, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TACR) awarded prizes for the best applied research projects with high social benefits. The Prize of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic 2021 in the category of Partnership was awarded to the Faculty of Information Technology of BUT, Flowmon Networks (now Progress) and their South Korean partners - Hallym University and Hancom GMD for their co-operation on development of the IoT Monitoring and Diagnostic Toolset within the IRONSTONE project. The new software tool developed during this co-operation monitors communications of autonomous devices to detect operational problems and identify security incidents early.

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