
Overloaded emergency lines? AI will help.

Czech scientists, including researchers from the Faculty of Information Technology, are developing a voice bot which should be activated in case emergency lines become extremely overloaded. Voice bots should be able to increase capacities in case of a huge number of telephone calls to emergency control centres and thus may prove beneficial during serious natural disasters. The voice bot is developed by a team of 38 experts from various institutions: FIT BUT, IT4Innovations, Faculty of Safety Engineering, VSB-TUO and three companies - Phonexia, BornDigital and SpeechTech which focus on text analysis and speech recognition and synthesis. The first prototype able to manage telephone calls regarding fire will be ready during the holidays. The project team will then work on its usability for other types of emergencies. The project should be finished in the second half of 2022. More information to be found in the press release of the IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre which is a project coordinator together with VSB-TUO.

New technology from FIT to help with pilot training

New technology developed at the Faculty of Information Technology of the Brno University of Technology will help pilots train air combat tactics. They will face artificial intelligence in simulated aerial combat. The AIDA project was conceived in co-operation between researchers and students from FIT BUT and VR Group, a.s. For more information, read the article


Czechitas Thesis Award for Kristýna Zaklová of FIT

Three best Bachelor's theses in the field of IT submitted between February 2020 and February 2021 won the Czechitas Thesis Award. The award for the best IT thesis written by a woman was presented to Kristýna Zaklová of FIT for her design and creation of a web-based search engine "Komu patřím" (Who do I belong to) that allows users to search for records of registered pets. It can make the job easier especially for animal control, veterinarians, police and other people who need to identify a pet and its owner (we informed about it on the FIT website earlier this year). The committee evaluated the uniqueness of the idea, the quality of the thesis, its use in practice and evolution of the project based on mentoring which all participants underwent.


The faculty received a new car from ŠKODA AUTO. It will serve the students in their studies

For example, students will be able to try out user interface designs or experiment with on-board systems directly on a car available at the faculty. The partner company ŠKODA AUTO donated an Octavia IV. "It will now be used in specialised courses as well as in courses and seminars falling under the Cyberphysical Systems specialisation. Matěj Mitaš, a member of our team, who has unfortunately left us recently, deserves much of the credit for that, but also thanks to his efforts, the car will now be a part of teaching at the faculty," said Peter Chudý. The Aeroworks research group, which he leads, has been co-operating with the automobile plant for a long time - together they have developed, for example, a unique system enabling the company's technical development staff to easily design various user interfaces (for more information, see the earlier press release).


Bioinformatician helps archaeogeneticists search for primordial organisms

Archaeogenetics. This is sometimes called ancestral reconstruction - a technique through which scientists investigate traces of the past, much like archaeologists. However, biologists do not look for them at excavation sites, but in computers. They are examining gene sequences and looking for organisms that no longer exist today. The new unique FireProt-ASR tool, developed by Miloš Musil from the Faculty of Information Technology of BUT, will fundamentally help researchers with finding millions-of-years-old proteins from which the current ones have evolved. You can find more information in the article

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