
A public professorial lecture by Associate Professor Jiří Jaroš will take place on Friday 3 May

We cordially invite you to a public professorial lecture: High Performance Computing in Personalized Ultrasound Medicine. It will take place on Friday, May 3, at 11 a.m. in lecture room E 104 and is part of the professorial proceedings.

This lecture will take you on an engaging journey from humble beginnings, a simple MATLAB code snippet simulating a 1D acoustic pulse propagation through an infinite, homogeneous, lossless medium, to the heights of sophistication with a comprehensive software package which performs complex ultrasound treatment planning calculations for personalized transcranial neurostimulation and photoacoustic breast imaging, harnessing the power of high-performance computing centers and cloud environments.

More about Jiri Jaros and his professorial lecture here.


Inauguration of Associate Professor Petr Hanáček as Dean of FIT BUT

The inauguration of Associate Professor Petr Hanáček to the position of Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology BUT will take place on 4 April 2024 at 9:00 in lecture hall D105.


Trucks and buses will be equipped with nanoradars and sensors to increase safety. FIT BUT participates in their development

Truck drivers have a poor view of their immediate surroundings - blind spots cover not only the area in front of and behind the truck, but also the sides. So from July 2024, European Commission regulations require trucks and buses to have safety sensors that can detect motorcyclists, cyclists or other vulnerable road users. This will be ensured by innovative laser sensors and nano-radars, on which experts from FIT BUT have collaborated.

A child hiding behind the back of a vehicle or a cyclist riding next to a turning truck - new lidar sensor and nano-radar technologies can help drivers detect these dangerous situations. Within the framework of two projects of the TACR, experts from FIT BUT developed them together with the company Valeo, which specialises in research, development and production of assistance systems and systems for autonomous driving.

More in this article.


Kamil Malinka and Anton Firc from FIT BUT demonstrated the sophistication of deepfakes at a meeting of cybercrime specialists

How to most effectively detect and combat new phenomena in cybercrime was the main topic of a two-day meeting of specialists in this area of crime from the ranks of prosecutors and police officers organized by the Supreme State Prosecutor's Office in cooperation with the Judicial Academy in Kroměříž. Specialist criminologists and prosecutors from all over the Czech Republic meet regularly every year within an informal expert network and exchange experiences. This time, for the first time, they also invited fellow police officers and prosecutors from Slovakia to a joint meeting.

Experts from both countries agreed that specialisation and continuous training is key to effectively combat cybercrime, enabling them to keep up to date with increasingly sophisticated criminal tactics. Such meetings also have the benefit of exchanging specific lessons learned from successful cases.  

One of the biggest challenges is the rapid development of deepfake technology, which brings with it extensive risks associated with the spread of disinformation, identity theft, various types of fraud, phishing attacks or extortion and a range of other illegal activities. The researchers Kamil Malinka and Anton Firc from the Faculty of Information Technology of Brno University of Technology illustrated how credible simulations of foreign faces and voices created by artificial intelligence can be.  

[img] 2024 is looking for student speakers, apply by March 3

Become a speaker at the biggest event for developers, administrators and users of Linux and open source in Central Europe - 2024. The conference will take place on 13-15 June at FIT BUT in Brno. As every year, DevConf.CZ welcomes emerging speakers.

Don't have any experience in public presenting yet, but are you working on an interesting project, bachelor or master thesis or simply interested in the field of open source technologies? Submit your idea and share your knowledge and interests with the open source community in the form of a 15 minute lightning talk or a 35 minute talk. You can find more information about the conference, its content and how to properly submit a talk proposal here. All talks, presentations and workshops will be in English.

Applications are being collected until 3 March, and all information can be found on the conference website.


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