
Dne: 18. listopadu 2024

Zveme Vás na veřejnou přednášku z cyklu Brněnské bezpečnostní setkávání


Srdečně zveme na veřejnou přednášku na téma kybernetické bezpečnosti z cyklu Brněnské bezpečnostní setkávání. Koná se ve středu 20. listopadu od 18 hodin v pusluchárně D 206 na Fakultně informačních technologií VUT. Na programu jsou tyto příspěvky:

Security Impacts of Deepfakes, Kamil Malinka, Security@FIT, FIT VUT

  • The talk provides a detailed look at the impact of AI in the field of cyber security. Specifically, it looks at the development and implications of deepfakes technology. The aim is to provide participants with a comprehensive overview of how deepfakes technology works, and what threats and ethical challenges it poses to society, industry and academia. The presentation will focus on introducing the different types of deepfakes, exploring the methods of creating them, their potential uses, detection and protection methods, and discussing their impact on IT security. Participants will learn about detection methods and strategies for defending against deepfakes abuse, which is key to ensuring digital security and protecting personal identities.

Investigating the references among Common Criteria certified products, Vashek Matyáš, CRoCS FI MUNI

  • Common Criteria (CC) certified product count surpassed 5700 and we undertook an investigation of this ecosystem entangled with various kind of relations between the certified products. We investigated and annotated the different contexts of references and measured how often the references constitute actual dependencies between the certified products. One of the interesting discoveries shows that 61% of smartcard-related products carry a certified dependency, while only 3% of smartcard-unrelated products do so. We identified a dozen of CC-certified components that are relied on by at least 10% of the whole ecosystem and we assess the potential impact of their compromise. We also discuss potentially problematic references to archived certificates.

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