Press Release
Day: 15 February 2024
At FIT, we see partnerships with companies as a necessity on the road to excellence
At the Faculty of Information Technology, we are aware that it is impossible to prepare our future graduates for their diverse career paths without contact with industry, which is why we have been building a portfolio of partners for a long time so that the range of focus is broad and at a high professional level. We value our partnerships very highly.
And, as it is often the case with partnerships, good communication is essential. Therefore, on Wednesday 14 February, we invited representatives of companies to our faculty for our traditional annual meeting to evaluate and discuss the possibilities of cooperation and opportunities for its development this year. The debate was attended by 40 representatives of companies, IT experts and HR specialists and professional guarantors of cooperation from the Faculty of Information Technology.
After the welcome, Dean Petr Hanáček stressed the importance of the synergy between the academic and corporate sectors in the context of three pillars: teaching, research and social contribution. Especially the last one and its success depends on effective technology transfer between the two spheres. An introductory round followed and then the Vice Dean for External Relations, Vítězslav Beran, took the floor and outlined the main idea of the mutual functioning. "The main thing that must unite us is expertise as a topic that we want to communicate in both directions. We want quality and professionally educated graduates. You, our corporate partners, want them too and that is why we welcome internships and job offers with a narrow professional profile," said Beran.
There are a number of activities where we can intersect with companies with regard to high expertise. Experts from companies can lead student projects (bachelor's and master's theses) with scientific potential. Partner profiles on the website help FIT students to navigate internship and job offers.
Conference Žijeme IT 2023 - presentation of industrial partners
Together with the companies, we also prepare professional seminars or support student entrepreneurship. The faculty organises events with the participation of corporate partners. One of the most important ones is undoubtedly the innovative technology conference Living IT. This event for all those who want to be active members of the IT community is often rated as beneficial and inspiring by all stakeholders - academics, students and representatives of the corporate sector. You can read more about it here. And we are already preparing the next edition to offer an event that will surpass the high bar set in the past years.
Announcement of results conference Excel@FIT 2023
Other important joint events are the BISSIT Summer School, the IT Summer School for Girls, the Excel@FIT student project conference and the Scientists' Night.
Yesterday's meeting confirmed the importance of mutual cooperation. We were pleased with the high turnout and lively discussion and look forward to working together this year and seeing you at some of our joint events.
Author: Horná Petra, Mgr.
Last modified: 2024-02-16 12:38:52