doc. Ing.

Vojtěch Bartoš


Director of Department

+420 54114 2679
+420 54114 3700
2641/BUT personal ID


Consulting hours

Wednesday, 9:00-11:00, IO/P483 (Kolejní 2906/4, Brno 61200)

Guaranteed courses

rvpP Analysis of company´s capability
Czech, winter, ÚF
rvpK Analysis of company´s capability
Czech, winter, ÚF
fapP Financial Analysis and Planning
Czech, summer, ÚF

Lectured courses

fapP Financial Analysis and Planning
Lecture, Czech, summer, ÚF
rvpP Analysis of company´s capability
Lecture, Czech, winter, ÚF
rvpK Analysis of company´s capability
Guided consultation in combined form of studies, Czech, winter, ÚF
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