doc. RNDr.

Dana Hliněná


Associate professor

+420 54114 6052
58610/BUT personal ID


Consulting hours

Dle domluvy e-mailem.

Guaranteed courses

IDM Discrete Mathematics
Czech, English, winter, UMAT
ILG Linear Algebra
Czech, English, winter, UMAT
IMA1 Mathematical Analysis 1
Czech, English, summer, UMAT
IMF Mathematical Foundations of Fuzzy Logic
Czech, English, winter, UMAT

Lectured courses

IAM Advanced Mathematics
Exercise in computer lab, Fundamentals seminar, Lecture, Czech, English, summer, DITS
IMA1 Mathematical Analysis 1
Computer-assisted exercise, Lecture, Czech, English, summer, UMAT
ILG Linear Algebra
Computer-assisted exercise, Lecture, Czech, English, winter, UMAT
ISM Seminar of Mathematics
Computer-assisted exercise, Czech, English, winter, UMAT
IDM Discrete Mathematics
Computer-assisted exercise, Lecture, Czech, English, winter, UMAT
IMF Mathematical Foundations of Fuzzy Logic
Computer-assisted exercise, Project, Czech, English, winter, UMAT
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