doc. Ing.
Vítězslav Beran
Vice-dean for marketing and external relations
+420 54114 1281
L225 Office
Data processing methods for transport purposes, software
Authors: Špaňhel Jakub, Beran Vítězslav, Herout Adam, Zemčík Pavel -
Experimental functional prototype of a new generation camera system, specimen
Authors: Bambušek Daniel, Bařina David, Beran Vítězslav, Herout Adam, Kreslík Martin, Smrž Pavel, Špaňhel Jakub, Maršík Lukáš -
ARCOR2 - framework for simplified robot programming, software
Authors: Materna Zdeněk, Kapinus Michal, Bambušek Daniel, Beran VítězslavDetector of the wanted person in the video-stream based on the image of the face, testing
Authors: Bažout David, Beran Vítězslav -
Device for online real-time video processing, specimen
Authors: Bambušek Daniel, Bartík Vladimír, Bartl Vojtěch, Beran Vítězslav, Drahanský Martin, Goldmann Tomáš, Herout Adam, Kanich Ondřej, Kocman Radim, Malaník Petr, Nosko Svetozár, Plascencia Alfredo C., Volf Tomáš, Zemčík Pavel, Zendulka JaroslavDroCo - Multi-Drone Control Vizualization Tool, software
Authors: Beran Vítězslav, Bambušek Daniel, Hubinák Róbert, Sedlmajer Kamil -
PatrolBot self driving for map making based on laser and asus depth sensors, testing
Authors: Beran Vítězslav, Plascencia Alfredo C. -
Device to pick&lift objects from the ground with natural user interface, testing
Authors: Beran VítězslavSpatial Augmented Reality User Interface for Collaborative Robot, software
Authors: Beran Vítězslav, Kapinus Michal, Materna Zdeněk, Smrž PavelSpider Lawn Mower Automation Design, testing
Authors: Plascencia Alfredo C., Beran Vítězslav -
Robotic Outdoor Platform for Sensory Data Measurements and Evaluation of 3D Reconstruction and Mapping Methods, specimen
Authors: Materna Zdeněk, Beran Vítězslav, Španěl Michal, Veľas Martin, Kapinus MichalSystem for image and video processing, specimen
Authors: Beran Vítězslav, Fröml Vojtěch, Kapinus Michal, Klicnar Lukáš, Materna Zdeněk, Volf Tomáš, Mráček Štěpán, Hradiš Michal, Zemčík Pavel, Zendulka JaroslavVideo Synchronization Tool, software
Authors: Klicnar Lukáš, Beran Vítězslav, Polok Lukáš, Bařina David, Smrž Pavel, Zemčík Pavel -
Videosequences Summarization Tool, software
Authors: Klicnar Lukáš, Beran Vítězslav -
Video differences analyzer, software
Authors: Klicnar Lukáš, Beran Vítězslav -
Obstacle avoidance module for robotic systems, software
Authors: Rozman Jaroslav, Luža Radim, Baizid Khelifa, Beran Vítězslav -
Auto Profile-photo Maker, software
Authors: Beran VítězslavObstacle detector for robotic systems based on visual and range sensor fusion, software
Authors: Svoboda Pavel, Beran Vítězslav -
Camera Localization using RANSAC, software
Authors: Potúček Igor, Beran Vítězslav, Zemčík PavelHMM web interface, software
Authors: Beran Vítězslav, Mlích JozefObject Detection Framework, software
Authors: Beran Vítězslav, Havel Jiří, Herout Adam, Hradiš Michal, Jošth Radovan, Juránek Roman, Polok Lukáš, Zemčík PavelSlide Synchronization in Lecture Recordings, software
Authors: Beran VítězslavTrajectory classification framework, software
Authors: Beran Vítězslav, Chmelař Petr, Mlích Jozef, Zemčík PavelVideo and Feature processing, software
Authors: Beran Vítězslav, Chmelař Petr, Řezníček Ivo, Herout Adam, Zemčík Pavel, Hradiš Michal, Juránek Roman, Bařina David -
Platform for Evaluation of Image Classifiers, software
Authors: Beran Vítězslav, Herout Adam, Hradiš Michal, Chmelař Petr, Juránek Roman, Šilhavá Jana, Zemčík PavelTETA: Tracking Evaluation Tool, software
Authors: Beran Vítězslav, Potúček Igor, Sumec Stanislav