EUROPEAN BLOCKCHAIN SERVICES INFRASTRUCTURE, EBSI, MPO CR, Z222901000001, 2024-2025, running, start: 2024-03-01, end: 2025-12-31
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Cybersecurity Innovation Hub, EC EU - Digital Europe Programme, 101083932, 101083932, 2023-2025, running, start: 2023-04-01, end: 2025-12-31
DetailSmart information technology for a resilient society, BUT, FIT-S-23-8209, 2023-2025, running, start: 2023-03-01, end: 2025-12-31
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Flow-based Encrypted Traffic Analysis, MV CR, VJ02010024, 2022-2025, running, start: 2022-01-01, end: 2025-06-30
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Context-based Encrypted Traffic Analysis Using Flow Data, TACR, FW03010099, 2021-2023, completed, start: 2021-01-01, end: 2023-12-31
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Alliance for developing, teaching and training Digital Forensics and Incident Response students and practitioners, EC, 2020-1-LI01-KA203-000185, 2020-2023, completed, start: 2020-09-01, end: 2023-08-31
DetailApplication of AI methods to cyber security and control systems, BUT, FIT-S-20-6293, 2020-2022, completed, start: 2020-03-23, end: 2022-12-31
DetailConformity Assessment Body, TACR - Národní centra kompetence 1, TN01000077/09, 2020-2021, completed, start: 2020-07-01, end: 2021-06-30
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ICT tools, methods and technologies for smart cities, BUT, FIT-S-17-3964, 2017-2019, completed, start: 2017-03-01, end: 2019-12-31
DetailIntegrated platform for analysis of digital data from security incidents, MV CR, VI20172020062, 2017-2020, completed, start: 2017-01-01, end: 2020-06-30
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Modern Tools for Detection and Mitigation of Cyber Criminality on the New Generation Internet, MV CR, VG20102015022, 2010-2015, completed, start: 2010-10-01, end: 2015-09-30