TURYTSIA Oleksandr, ZAKLOVÁ Kristýna, HYNEK Jiří, JOHN Petr and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Enhancing Retail Location Decisions in City of Brno: An Application of Geospatial Analysis Tools. In: Information Systems Engineering and Management. Information Systems Engineering and Management, vol. 2025. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2025, pp. 469-486. ISBN 978-3-031-77530-7. ISSN 2367-3389.
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JOHN Petr, ZAKLOVÁ Kristýna, LAZÚR Juraj, HYNEK Jiří and HRUŠKA Tomáš. A Self-Hosted Approach to Automatic CI/CD Using Open-Source Tools on Low-power Devices. In: 2024 IEEE 17th International Scientific Conference on Informatics. Poprad: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024, pp. 105-112. ISBN 979-8-3503-8767-4.
DetailLAZÚR Juraj, HYNEK Jiří and HRUŠKA Tomáš. A Unified Approach to Real-Time Public Transport Data Processing. In: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol. 2024. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2024, pp. 86-95. ISBN 978-3-031-60226-9. ISSN 2367-3370.
DetailLAZÚR Juraj, HYNEK Jiří and HRUŠKA Tomáš. From Data to Routes: A Comprehensive Approach to Public Transport Line Routing. In: IEEE Xplore. 2024 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP). Prague: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024, pp. 1-6. ISBN 979-8-3503-6095-0.
DetailZAKLOVÁ Kristýna, HYNEK Jiří and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Towards Transparent Governance: Unifying City Councils Decision-Making Data Processing and Visualization. In: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol. 2024. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2024, pp. 402-411. ISBN 978-3-031-60220-7. ISSN 2367-3370.
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JOHN Petr, HYNEK Jiří, HRUŠKA Tomáš and VALNÝ Michal. Application of Time Series Database for IoT Smart City Platform. In: IEEE Xplore. 2023 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP). Prague: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023, pp. 1-6. ISBN 979-8-3503-2162-3.
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RUDNITCKAIA Julia, VENKATASCHALAM Hari Santosh, ESSMANN Roland, HRUŠKA Tomáš and COLOMBO Armando Walter. Screening Process Mining and Value Stream Techniques on Industrial Manufacturing Processes: Process Modelling and Bottleneck Analysis. IEEE Access, vol. 2022, no. 10, pp. 24203-24214. ISSN 2169-3536.
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PASTUSHENKO Olena, HYNEK Jiří and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Evaluation of User Interface Design Metrics using Generator of Realistic-Looking Dashboard Samples. Expert Systems, vol. 38, no. 5, 2021, pp. 1-19. ISSN 1468-0394.
DetailOLIVEIRA Wilk, ISOTANI Seiji, PASTUSHENKO Olena, HAMARI Juho and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Modeling students' flow experience through data logs in gamified educational systems. In: Proceedings - IEEE 21st International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2021. online: IEEE Communications Society, 2021, pp. 97-101. ISBN 978-1-6654-4106-3.
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PASTUSHENKO Olena, OLIVEIRA Wilk, HRUŠKA Tomáš and ISOTANI Seiji. A Methodology for Multimodal Learning Analytics and Flow Experience Identification within Gamified Assignments. In: Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Honolulu: Association for Computing Machinery, 2020, pp. 1-9. ISBN 978-1-4503-6819-3.
DetailPODIVÍNSKÝ Jakub, ČEKAN Ondřej, KRČMA Martin, BURGET Radek, HRUŠKA Tomáš and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Iterative Algorithm for Multidimensional Pareto Frontiers Intersection Determination. In: 2020 IEEE 11th Latin American Symposium on Circuits & Systems (LASCAS). San José: IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, 2020, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-1-7281-3427-7.
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RUDNITCKAIA Julia, HRUŠKA Tomáš et al. Applying Process Mining to the Ship Handling Process at Oil Terminal. In: Conference on Industrial Cyber Physical Systems. IEEEXplore. Taipei: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019, pp. 552-557. ISBN 978-1-5386-8500-6.
DetailPASTUSHENKO Olena, GEURTS Luc and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Conceptual Learning of Electric and Electronic Circuits With Gamification. In: Extended Abstracts of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Companion. Extended Abstracts. Barcelona: Association for Computing Machinery, 2019, pp. 589-596. ISBN 978-1-4503-6871-1.
DetailPODIVÍNSKÝ Jakub, ČEKAN Ondřej, KRČMA Martin, BURGET Radek, HRUŠKA Tomáš and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Multidimensional Pareto Frontiers Intersection Determination and Processor Optimization Case Study. In: Proceedings of the 2019 22nd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design. Kalithea: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019, pp. 597-600. ISBN 978-1-7281-2861-0.
DetailPODIVÍNSKÝ Jakub, ČEKAN Ondřej, KRČMA Martin, BURGET Radek, HRUŠKA Tomáš and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Multidimensional Pareto Frontiers Intersection: Processor Optimization Case Study. In: Proceedings of the 7th Prague Embedded Systems Workshop. Roztoky u Prahy: Czech Technical University, 2019, pp. 20-21. ISBN 978-80-01-06607-2.
DetailHYNEK Jiří and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Segmentation of Dashboard Screen Images: Preparation of Inputs for Object-based Metrics of UI Quality. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. Volume 3: IVAPP. Prague: SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications, 2019, pp. 199-207. ISBN 978-989-758-354-4.
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PODIVÍNSKÝ Jakub, ČEKAN Ondřej, KRČMA Martin, BURGET Radek, HRUŠKA Tomáš and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. A Framework for Optimizing a Processor to Selected Application. In: Proceedings of IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium. Kazan: IEEE Computer Society, 2018, pp. 564-574. ISBN 978-1-5386-5710-2.
DetailHYNEK Jiří and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Application of Object-Based Metrics for Recognition of Well-Designed Dashboards. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 35, no. 13, 2018, pp. 1203-1215. ISSN 1044-7318.
DetailPASTUSHENKO Olena, HYNEK Jiří and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Generation of Test Samples for Construction of Dashboard Design Guidelines: Impact of Color on Layout Balance. In: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Trends and Advances in Information Systems and Technologies. Naples: Springer International Publishing, 2018, pp. 980-990. ISBN 978-3-319-77711-5.
DetailPASTUSHENKO Olena, HRUŠKA Tomáš and ZENDULKA Jaroslav. Increasing students' motivation by using virtual learning environments based on gamification mechanics. In: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. Salamanca: Association for Computing Machinery, 2018, pp. 755-760. ISBN 978-1-4503-6518-5.
DetailRUDNITCKAIA Julia and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Prediction of times and delays for ship handling process based on a transition system. In: Int. Conf. on Harbor Maritime and Multimodal Logistics M&S. THE 20TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HARBOR, MARITIME & MULTIMODAL LOGISTICS MODELLING AND SIMULATION. RENDE, 2018, pp. 39-44. ISBN 978-88-85741-05-8.
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HRUŠKA Tomáš. Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva k projektu Výzkum a vývoj aplikací pro Codasip. Brno: Codasip Ltd., 2017.
DetailRUDNITCKAIA Julia and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Time Series Analysis and Prediction Statistical Models for the Duration of the Ship Handling at an Oil Terminal. In: RELIABILITY and STATISTICS in TRANSPORTATION and COMMUNICATION. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Riga: Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 127-136. ISBN 978-9984-818-86-3. ISSN 2367-3370.
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POSPÍŠIL Milan, BARTÍK Vladimír and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Analyzing Machine Performance Using Data Mining. In: 2016 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining. Athens: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2016, pp. 1-7. ISBN 978-1-5090-4239-5.
DetailDOLÍHAL Luděk and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Automatic job generation for compiler testing, Testing of generated compiler. In: Proceedings of The Eighth International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle. Řím: The International Academy, Research and Industry Association, 2016, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-61208-500-5.
DetailHYNEK Jiří and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Pixel-Based Analysis of Information Dashboard Attributes. In: New Trends in Databases and Information Systems. Volume 637 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 9. CH: Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 29-36. ISBN 978-3-319-44065-1. ISSN 1865-0929.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš. Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva k projektu Vývoj robotického řízení automobilu a vývoj nové generace asistenčních systémů pro řízení. Brno: ARTIN, spol. s r.o., 2016.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš. Zpráva-výzkumné a vývojové práce - CODASIP 2016. Brno, 2016.
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KEKELYOVÁ Michaela, ZACHARIÁŠOVÁ Marcela, KOTÁSEK Zdeněk and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Application of Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimization of Regression Suites. In: IEEE 18th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems. Belgrade: IEEE Computer Society, 2015, pp. 91-94. ISBN 978-1-4799-6779-7.
DetailHYNEK Jiří and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Automatic Evaluation of Information Dashboard Usability. In: International Journal of Advances in Computer Science And Its Applications. Volume 5, issue 2, vol. 5. Rome: Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, 2015, pp. 383-387. ISBN 978-1-63248-044-6. ISSN 2250-3765.
DetailDOLÍHAL Luděk and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Overview of the testing environment for the embedded systems. In: Proceedings of The third International Conference on Green Computing, Technology and Innovation. Kuala Lumpur: The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2015, pp. 55-59. ISBN 978-1-941968-15-4.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš. Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva k projektu Výzkum a vývoj aplikací pro Codasip. Brno: Codasip Ltd., 2015.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš. Souhrnná zpráva za rok 2015 projektu "Vývoj robotického zařízení automobilu". Brno: ARTIN, spol. s r.o., 2015.
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MÁČEL Lukáš and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Bringing flexibility into dynamic process change:The process re-execution approach. In: BUSTECH 2014: The Fourth International Conference on Business Intelligence and Technology. Benátky: The International Academy, Research and Industry Association, 2014, pp. 31-38. ISBN 978-1-61208-345-2.
DetailMATES Vojtěch, RYCHLÝ Marek and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Modelling of Context-adaptable Business Processes and their Implementation as Service-oriented Architecture. Enterprise and Competitive Environment. Bučovice: Martin Stříž Publishing, 2014. ISBN 978-80-87106-74-7.
DetailMATES Vojtěch, RYCHLÝ Marek and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Modelling of Context-Adaptable Business Processes and their Implementation as Service-Oriented Architecture. In: Procedia Economics and Finance. Amsterdam, 2014, pp. 412-421. ISSN 2212-5671.
DetailDOLÍHAL Luděk and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Semiautomatic Porting of the C Library. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Education Technologies. Kuala Lumpur: The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2014, pp. 86-89. ISBN 978-1-941968-02-4.
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POSPÍŠIL Milan, MATES Vojtěch and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Analysing Resource Performance and its Application in Company. In: The Fifth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management. Nice: The International Academy, Research and Industry Association, 2013, pp. 149-154. ISBN 978-1-61208-254-7.
DetailHUSÁR Adam, PŘIKRYL Zdeněk, DOLÍHAL Luděk, MASAŘÍK Karel and HRUŠKA Tomáš. ASIP Design with Automatic C/C++ Compiler Generation. Haifa, 2013.
DetailZACHARIÁŠOVÁ Marcela, PŘIKRYL Zdeněk, HRUŠKA Tomáš and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Automated Functional Verification of Application Specific Instruction-set Processors. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol. 4, no. 403, 2013, pp. 128-138. ISSN 1868-4238.
DetailHLOSTA Martin, STRÍŽ Rostislav, KUPČÍK Jan, ZENDULKA Jaroslav and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Constrained Classification of Large Imbalanced Data by Logistic Regression and Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, vol. 2013, no. 3, pp. 214-218. ISSN 2010-3700.
DetailŠEBEK Michal, HLOSTA Martin, ZENDULKA Jaroslav and HRUŠKA Tomáš. MLSP: Mining Hierarchically-Closed Multi-Level Sequential Patterns. In: 9th International Conference, ADMA 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Hangzhou: Springer Verlag, 2013, pp. 157-168. ISBN 978-3-642-53913-8.
DetailPOSPÍŠIL Milan, MATES Vojtěch, HRUŠKA Tomáš and BARTÍK Vladimír. Process Mining in a Manufacturing Company for Predictions and Planning. International Journal on Advances in Software, vol. 2013, no. 3, pp. 283-297. ISSN 1942-2628.
DetailPOSPÍŠIL Milan, MATES Vojtěch and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Process Mining in Manufacturing Company. In: The Fifth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Managemen. Nice: International Academy, Research, and Industry Association, 2013, pp. 143-148. ISBN 978-1-61208-254-7.
DetailHLOSTA Martin, STRÍŽ Rostislav, ZENDULKA Jaroslav and HRUŠKA Tomáš. PSO-based Constrained Imbalanced Data Classification. In: Proceedings of the Twelth International Conference on Informatics INFORMATICS'2013. Spišská Nová Ves: The University of Technology Košice, 2013, pp. 234-239. ISBN 978-80-8143-127-2.
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POSPÍŠIL Milan and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Business Process Simulation for Predictions. In: BUSTECH 2012 : The Second International Conference on Business Intelligence and Technology. Nice: The International Academy, Research and Industry Association, 2012, pp. 14-18. ISBN 978-1-61208-223-3.
DetailMATES Vojtěch and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Context-Based Adaptation of Process Definition. In: BUSTECH 2012 : The Second International Conference on Business Intelligence and Technology. Nice: The International Academy, Research and Industry Association, 2012, pp. 25-31. ISBN 978-1-61208-223-3.
DetailŠEBEK Michal, HLOSTA Martin, KUPČÍK Jan, ZENDULKA Jaroslav and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Multi-level Sequence Mining Based on GSP. Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, vol. 2012, no. 2, pp. 31-38. ISSN 1335-8243.
DetailDOLÍHAL Luděk, HRUŠKA Tomáš and MASAŘÍK Karel. Testing of an automatically generated compiler, Review of retargetable testing system. International Journal on Advances in Software, vol. 2012, no. 1, pp. 15-26. ISSN 1942-2628.
DetailDOLÍHAL Luděk and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Testing system for the HW/SW Codesign Toolchain. In: Proceedings MEMICS 2012. Znojmo: Masaryk University, 2012, pp. 98-99. ISBN 978-80-87342-15-2.
DetailKUPČÍK Jan and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Towards Online Data Mining System for Enterprises. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2012). Wrocław: SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications, 2012, pp. 187-192. ISBN 978-989-8565-13-6.
DetailDOLÍHAL Luděk, HRUŠKA Tomáš and MASAŘÍK Karel. Usage of simulators in testing system. In: Industrial Simulation Conference. Brno: EUROSIS, 2012, pp. 74-78. ISBN 978-90-77381-71-7.
DetailDOLÍHAL Luděk, HRUŠKA Tomáš, HUSÁR Adam, MASAŘÍK Karel and PŘIKRYL Zdeněk. Use of Architecture Description Language ISAC fo ASIP Design. ACACES 2012, Poster Abstracts. Fiuggi: High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation, 2012. ISBN 978-90-382-1987-5.
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ĎURFINA Lukáš, KŘOUSTEK Jakub, ZEMEK Petr, KOLÁŘ Dušan, HRUŠKA Tomáš, MASAŘÍK Karel and MEDUNA Alexander. Advanced Static Analysis for Decompilation Using Scattered Context Grammars. In: Proceedings of the Applied Computing Conference 2011 (ACC'11). Angers: World Scientific and Engineering Academy, 2011, pp. 164-169. ISBN 978-1-61804-051-0.
DetailPŘIKRYL Zdeněk, KŘOUSTEK Jakub, HRUŠKA Tomáš, KOLÁŘ Dušan, MASAŘÍK Karel and HUSÁR Adam. Design and Simulation of High Performance Parallel Architectures Using the ISAC Language. GSTF International Journal on Computing, vol. 1, no. 2, 2011, pp. 97-106. ISSN 2010-2283.
DetailĎURFINA Lukáš, KŘOUSTEK Jakub, ZEMEK Petr, KOLÁŘ Dušan, HRUŠKA Tomáš, MASAŘÍK Karel and MEDUNA Alexander. Design of a Retargetable Decompiler for a Static Platform-Independent Malware Analysis. In: The 5th International Conference on Information Security and Assurance. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 200. Brno: Springer Verlag, 2011, pp. 72-86. ISBN 978-3-642-23140-7.
DetailĎURFINA Lukáš, KŘOUSTEK Jakub, ZEMEK Petr, KOLÁŘ Dušan, HRUŠKA Tomáš, MASAŘÍK Karel and MEDUNA Alexander. Design of a Retargetable Decompiler for a Static Platform-Independent Malware Analysis. In: 7th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science. Brno: Masaryk University, 2011, pp. 114-114. ISBN 978-80-214-4305-1.
DetailĎURFINA Lukáš, KŘOUSTEK Jakub, ZEMEK Petr, KOLÁŘ Dušan, HRUŠKA Tomáš, MASAŘÍK Karel and MEDUNA Alexander. Design of a Retargetable Decompiler for a Static Platform-Independent Malware Analysis. International Journal of Security and Its Applications, vol. 5, no. 4, 2011, pp. 91-106. ISSN 1738-9976.
DetailĎURFINA Lukáš, KŘOUSTEK Jakub, ZEMEK Petr, KOLÁŘ Dušan, HRUŠKA Tomáš, MASAŘÍK Karel and MEDUNA Alexander. Design of an Automatically Generated Retargetable Decompiler. In: 2nd European Conference of COMPUTER SCIENCE (ECCS'11). Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife: North Atlantic University Union, 2011, pp. 199-204. ISBN 978-1-61804-056-5.
DetailPRISTACH Marián, HUSÁR Adam, FUJCIK Lukáš, MASAŘÍK Karel and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Digital Signal Soft- Processor for Audio and Video Processing. ElectroScope, vol. 2011, no. 4, pp. 1-5. ISSN 1802-4564.
DetailPRISTACH Marián, HUSÁR Adam, FUJCIK Lukáš, HRUŠKA Tomáš and MASAŘÍK Karel. Digital Signal Soft-Processor for Video Processing. In: Electronic Devices and Systems IMAPS CS International Conference 2011 Proceedings. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2011, pp. 180-185. ISBN 978-80-214-4303-7.
DetailPŘIKRYL Zdeněk, KŘOUSTEK Jakub, HRUŠKA Tomáš and KOLÁŘ Dušan. Fast Just-In-Time Translated Simulator for ASIP Design. In: 14th IEEE International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems. Cottbus: IEEE Computer Society, 2011, pp. 279-282. ISBN 978-1-4244-9753-9.
DetailPŘIKRYL Zdeněk, KŘOUSTEK Jakub, HRUŠKA Tomáš and KOLÁŘ Dušan. Fast Translated Simulation of ASIPs. OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), vol. 16, no. 1, 2011, pp. 93-100. ISSN 2190-6807.
DetailŠEBEK Michal, HLOSTA Martin, KUPČÍK Jan, ZENDULKA Jaroslav and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Multi-level Sequence Mining Based on GSP. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Informatics INFORMATICS'2011. 1. Košice: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, University of Technology Košice, 2011, pp. 185-190. ISBN 978-80-89284-94-8.
DetailDOLÍHAL Luděk and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Porting of C library, Testing of generated compiler. In: InfoWare 2011. Luxembourg: International Academy, Research, and Industry Association, 2011, pp. 125-130. ISBN 978-1-61208-008-6.
DetailKŘOUSTEK Jakub, PŘIKRYL Zdeněk, KOLÁŘ Dušan and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Retargetable Multi-level Debugging in HW/SW Codesign. In: The 23rd International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM 2011). Hammamet: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2011, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-4577-2209-7.
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PŘIKRYL Zdeněk, HUSÁR Adam, HRUŠKA Tomáš and MASAŘÍK Karel. ASIP Design in the Lissom Project. In: ACACES 2010 - Poster Abstracts. Ghent: High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation, 2010, pp. 105-108. ISBN 978-90-382-1631-7.
DetailHUSÁR Adam, TRMAČ Miloslav, HRANÁČ Jan, HRUŠKA Tomáš, MASAŘÍK Karel, KOLÁŘ Dušan and PŘIKRYL Zdeněk. Automatic C Compiler Generation from Architecture Description Language ISAC. In: 6th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science. Brno: Masaryk University, 2010, pp. 84-91. ISBN 978-80-87342-10-7.
DetailPŘIKRYL Zdeněk, KŘOUSTEK Jakub, HRUŠKA Tomáš, KOLÁŘ Dušan, MASAŘÍK Karel and HUSÁR Adam. Design and Debugging of Parallel Architectures Using the ISAC Language. In: Proceedings ot the Annual International Conference on Advanced Distributed and Parallel Computing and Real-Time and Embedded Systems. Singapore: Global Science & Technology Forum, 2010, pp. 213-221. ISBN 978-981-08-7656-2.
DetailPŘIKRYL Zdeněk, HRUŠKA Tomáš, MASAŘÍK Karel and HUSÁR Adam. Fast Cycle-Accurate Compiled Simulator. In: 10th IFAC Workshop on Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems, PDeS 2010. Pszczyna: IFAC, 2010, pp. 97-102. ISBN 978-3-902661-95-1. ISSN 1474-6670.
DetailPŘIKRYL Zdeněk, KŘOUSTEK Jakub, HRUŠKA Tomáš and KOLÁŘ Dušan. Fast Translated Simulation of ASIPs. In: 6th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science. Brno: Masaryk University, 2010, pp. 135-142. ISBN 978-80-87342-10-7.
DetailPŘIKRYL Zdeněk, MASAŘÍK Karel, HRUŠKA Tomáš and HUSÁR Adam. Generated Cycle-Accurate Profiler for C Language. In: 13th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design, DSD'2010. Lille: IEEE Computer Society, 2010, pp. 263-268. ISBN 978-0-7695-4171-6.
DetailHUSÁR Adam, HRUŠKA Tomáš, MASAŘÍK Karel and PŘIKRYL Zdeněk. Instruction Pipeline Modeling using Petri Nets. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering - PNSE'10. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software. Universität Hamburg: Technical Universityt Hamburg-Harburg, 2010, pp. 163-164. ISBN 978-972-8692-55-1.
DetailHUSÁR Adam, HRUŠKA Tomáš, TRMAČ Miloslav and PŘIKRYL Zdeněk. Instruction Selection Patterns Extraction from Architecture Specification Language ISAC. In: Proceedings of the 16th Conference Student EEICT 2010 Volume 5. Brno: Faculty of Information Technology BUT, 2010, pp. 166-170. ISBN 978-80-214-4080-7.
DetailTRMAČ Miloslav, HUSÁR Adam, HRANÁČ Jan, HRUŠKA Tomáš and MASAŘÍK Karel. Instructor Selector Generation from Architecture Description. In: 6th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science. Brno: Masaryk University, 2010, pp. 167-174. ISBN 978-80-87342-10-7.
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HUSÁR Adam, PŘIKRYL Zdeněk, MASAŘÍK Karel and HRUŠKA Tomáš. ASIP Design using Architecture Description Language ISAC. In: ACACES 2009 - Poster Abstracts. Ghent: High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation, 2009, pp. 137-139. ISBN 978-90-382-1467-2.
DetailPŘIKRYL Zdeněk and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Cycle Accurate Profiler for ASIPs. In: 5th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science. Brno: Masaryk University, 2009, pp. 168-175. ISBN 978-80-87342-04-6.
DetailPŘIKRYL Zdeněk, MASAŘÍK Karel, HRUŠKA Tomáš and HUSÁR Adam. Fast Cycle-Accurate Interpreted Simulation. In: Tenth International Workshop on Microprocessor Test and Verification: Common Challenges and Solutions. Austin: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2009, pp. 9-14. ISBN 978-0-7695-4000-9.
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PŘIKRYL Zdeněk, HRUŠKA Tomáš and MASAŘÍK Karel. Distributed Simulation and Profiling of Multiprocessor Systems on a Chip. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits, vol. 7, no. 8, 2008, pp. 788-799. ISSN 1109-2734.
DetailPŘIKRYL Zdeněk, HRUŠKA Tomáš and MASAŘÍK Karel. Simulation of ASIP on SoC. In: New Aspects of Systems. Heraklion: World Scientific and Engineering Academy, 2008, pp. 192-197. ISBN 978-960-6766-83-1. ISSN 1790-2769.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš, KOLÁŘ Dušan, LUKÁŠ Roman and ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ Eva. Two-Way Coupled Finite Automaton and Its Usage in Translators. In: New Aspects of Circuits. Heraklion: World Scientific and Engineering Academy, 2008, pp. 445-449. ISBN 978-960-6766-82-4. ISSN 1790-5117.
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STRYKA Lukáš and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Multidimensional algebra and its graphical representation. In: Datakon. Brno: Masaryk University, 2007, pp. 187-197. ISBN 978-80-7355-076-9.
DetailMASAŘÍK Karel, HRUŠKA Tomáš, KOLÁŘ Dušan and LUKÁŠ Roman. Roční zpráva 2007 projektu FT-TA3/128 Jazyk a vývojové prostředí pro návrh mikroprocesoru. Brno: Department of Information Systems FIT BUT, 2007.
DetailMASAŘÍK Karel and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Structural Equivalence between Architectural Descriptive and Hardware Languages. In: A proceedings volume from the 4th International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications CITSA 2007. Florida: International Institute of Informacs and Systemics, 2007, pp. 40-45. ISBN 1-934272-10-8.
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MASAŘÍK Karel, HRUŠKA Tomáš and KOLÁŘ Dušan. Language and Development Environment For Microprocessor Design Of Embedded Systems. In: Proceedings of IFAC Workshop on PROGRAMMABLE DEVICES and EMBEDDED SYSTEMS PDeS 2006. Brno: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication BUT, 2006, pp. 120-125. ISBN 80-214-3130-X.
DetailMASAŘÍK Karel and HRUŠKA Tomáš. UML as Architecture Description Language. In: MOSIS'06, Proceedings of 40th Conference "Modelling and Simulation of Systems". Ostrava, 2006, pp. 41-48. ISBN 80-86840-21-2.
DetailMASAŘÍK Karel and HRUŠKA Tomáš. UML IN DESIGN OF ASIP. In: A proceedings volume from the 3rd IFAC Workshop on Discrete-Event System Design DESDes'06. Zielona Gora: University of Zielona Gora, 2006, pp. 209-214. ISBN 83-7481-035-1.
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HRUŠKA Tomáš, ed. DATAKON 2005 -Proceedings of the Annual Database Conference (ed. Tomáš Hruška). Brno: Masaryk University, 2005. ISBN 80-210-3813-6.
DetailBURGER Tomáš and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Formalism for the Systems with Roles. In: Proceedings of 8th International Conference ISIM'05 Information. Ostrava, 2005, pp. 227-234. ISBN 80-86840-09-3.
DetailBURGER Tomáš and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Formalism for the Systems With Roles. In: papers from the AAAI Fall Symposium. Roles, an Interdisciplinary Perspective: Ontologies, Programming Languages, and Multiagent Systems. Menlo Park, California: American Association for Artificial Intelligence, 2005, pp. 26-30. ISBN 978-1-57735-254-9.
DetailZEMČÍK Pavel and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Recorded lectures in higher education - technology and experience. In: Proceedings of New Horizons in Industry, Business, and Education. Heracleion, Crete: Technological Educational Institute of Crete. Heracleion, Gree, 2005, pp. 222-227. ISBN 960-85316-9-1.
DetailMASAŘÍK Karel, HRUŠKA Tomáš, KOLÁŘ Dušan and LUKÁŠ Roman. System for design and simulation of microprocessors. In: Proceedings of 8th Spring International Conference - ISIM'05. Ostrava, 2005, pp. 269-276. ISBN 80-86840-09-3.
DetailLUKÁŠ Roman, HRUŠKA Tomáš, KOLÁŘ Dušan and MASAŘÍK Karel. Two-Way Deterministic Translation and Its Usage in Practice. In: Proceedings of 8th Spring International Conference - ISIM'05. Ostrava, 2005, pp. 101-107. ISBN 80-86840-09-3.
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SMOLÍK Petr and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Application of an Object-Oriented Metasystem in University Information System Development. Annals of Cases on Information Technology. Hershey: Idea Group Publishing, 2003, pp. 550-562. ISBN 1-59140-061-9.
DetailMÁČEL Michal and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Kolaborativní aplikace. In: Systems Integration 2003 - Proceedings. Praha: Česká společnost pro systémovou integraci, 2003, pp. 429-436. ISBN 80-245-0522-3.
DetailGÜTTNER Jakub and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Sémantický web jako flexibilní databáze. In: Datakon 2003 - Proceedings of the Annual Database Conference. Brno: Masaryk University, 2003, pp. 217-226. ISBN 80-210-3215-4.
DetailMEDUNA Alexander and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Ulice ponese jméno geniálního matematika a brněnského rodáka (o Gödelovi). Události (VUT News), vol. 2003, no. 10, pp. 24-24. ISSN 1211-4421.
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HRUŠKA Tomáš and ZENDULKA Jaroslav. Development of IT Education at Brno University of Technology. In: EAIR 24th Annual EAIR Forum. Amsterodam, 2002, pp. 27-28.
DetailSMOLÍK Petr and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Distributed Information Systems Buliding Techniques. In: Proceedings od SSGRR 2002s Conference. L'Aquila: SSGRR Telecom Italia Learning Services, 2002, p. 10. ISBN 88-85280-63-3.
DetailGÜTTNER Jakub and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Dynamic Object Model In Interpreted Systems. In: Proceedings od 5th International Conference ISM 02 - Information System Modelling. Ostrava, 2002, pp. 103-110. ISBN 80-85988-70-4.
DetailČEŠKA Milan, HRUŠKA Tomáš and ZENDULKA Jaroslav. Education in Information Technology at Brno University of Technology. In: Proceedings of the International Conference - Advances in Infrastructure for e-business, e-education, e-science, and e-medicine on the Internet. L'Aquila: SSGRR Telecom Italia Learning Services, 2002, p. 7. ISBN 88-85280-62-5.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš. Objektově orientované databázové systémy. Učební texty předmětu INS. Brno, 2002.
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HRUŠKA Tomáš and SMOLÍK Petr. Application of a Metasystem in University Information System Development. In: Sborník konference Tvorba software 2001. Ostrava: Tanger Ltd., 2001, pp. 183-191. ISBN 80-85988-59-3.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš and ZENDULKA Jaroslav. Study Programmes in Information Technology at Brno University of Technology. In: MOSIS 01 Conference Proceedings. Hradec nad Moravicí, 2001, pp. 11-22. ISBN 80-85988-57-7.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš. XML Technology - tutorial. In: ISM 01 Conference Proceedings. Hradec nad Moravicí, 2001, pp. 11-15. ISBN 80-85988-51-3.
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HRUŠKA Tomáš and MÁČEL Michal. Concept Definition Language for Object-Oriented Databases. In: ISM 2000 Workshop Proceedings. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, 2000, pp. 37-45. ISBN 80-85988-45-3.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš and MÁČEL Michal. G2 System, object database, case system, information system. In: Sborník konference DATASEM 2000. Brno: unknown, 2000, pp. 277-294. ISBN 80-210-2428-3.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš and HASHIMOTO Masa-aki, ed. Knowledge-Based Software Engineering. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, no. 62, 2000. ISBN 1-58603-060-4. ISSN 0922-6389.
DetailČEŠKA Milan, HANÁČEK Petr, HRUŠKA Tomáš, RÁBOVÁ Zdeňka and ZBOŘIL František. Návrh bakalářského programu Informační technologie na VUT v Brně. In: Proceedings of workshop CSEW 2000. Liblice: unknown, 2000, pp. 42-48. ISBN 80-01-02264-1.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš and MÁČEL Michal. Object-Oriented Database System G2. In: Knowledge-Based Software Engineering. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Brno: unknown, 2000, pp. 17-25. ISBN 1-58603-060-4.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš and MÁČEL Michal. Object-Oriented Database Systems. In: Sborník konference DATASEM 2000. Brno: unknown, 2000, pp. 9-46. ISBN 80-210-2428-3.
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HRUŠKA Tomáš and MÁČEL Michal. G2-Component Architecture of an Object-Oriented Database System. In: Proceedings of ISM 99 Workshop. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, 1999, pp. 125-133. ISBN 80-85988-31-3.
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HRUŠKA Tomáš, KOLENČÍK Petr and MÁČEL Michal. A Role Model with Constrained Method Redefinition. ASU Newsletter. Salzau: unknown, 1998, pp. 165-171. ISSN 1102-593x.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš, KOLENČÍK Petr and MÁČEL Michal. Behavioral Safety in a Model With Multiple Class Objects. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no. 1521, 1998, pp. 360-371. ISBN 3-540-65260-4. ISSN 0302-9743.
DetailŠVÉDA Miroslav, DVOŘÁK Václav, HRUŠKA Tomáš and DRÁBEK Vladimír. ECBS Master Degree Study at the Technical University of Brno. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference and Workshop ECBS'98. Los Alamitos, California: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998, pp. 306-312. ISBN 0-8186-8463-1.
DetailBENEŠ Miroslav and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Implementation Opposition in Multi-Type Objects. In: Sborník přednášek konference DATASEM ´98. Brno: unknown, 1998, pp. 145-153.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš. Multiple Class Objects. In: Proceedings of Information System Modeling Conference 1998. Sv. Hostýn, 1998, pp. 15-22. ISBN 80-85988-24-0.
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HRUŠKA Tomáš. Collections in the Object-Oriented Database Systems. In: Proceedings of MOSIS '97 Conference, Volume 2. Hradec nad Moravicí, 1997, pp. 151-156. ISBN 80-85988-17-8.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš and KOLENČÍK Petr. Comparison of Categorical Foundations of Object-Oriented Database Model. In: Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Deductive and. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1341. Montreaux: Springer Verlag, 1997, pp. 302-319. ISBN 3-540-63792-3. ISSN 0302-9743.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš and KOLENČÍK Petr. Extending an Object-Oriented Model: Multiple Class Objects. In: Proceedings of 16th International Conference ER'97 on Conceptual Modelling. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1331. Los Angeles, California: Springer Verlag, 1997, pp. 229-242. ISBN 3-540-63699-4. ISSN 0302-9743.
DetailBENEŠ Miroslav and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Layout of Object in Object-Oriented Database System. In: Sborník 17. celostátní konference DATASEM 97. Brno: unknown, 1997, pp. 89-96. ISBN 80-238-1176-2.
DetailBENEŠ Miroslav and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Modelling Objects with Changing Roles. In: Proceedings of 23rd Conference of the ASU, Object-Oriented Modelling and Simulation. Stará Lesná High Tatras: unknown, 1997, pp. 188-195.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš. Objektová databáze - od modelu k implementaci. In: Sborník konference Tvorba software 97. Ostrava: Tanger Ltd., 1997, pp. 126-136. ISBN 80-86122-01-8.
DetailBENEŠ Miroslav and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Objektově orientované databáze. In: Sborník konference EurOpen.CZ 97. Borová Lada na Šumavě: unknown, 1997, pp. 23-36.
DetailBENEŠ Miroslav and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Objektově relační databáze. In: Sborník konference Informační systémy a jejich aplikace 1997. Ruprechtov: unknown, 1997, pp. 3-7. ISBN 80-214-0894-4.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš. Some Extensions of the Object-Oriented Database Model. In: Workshop 97 proceedings. Praha: unknown, 1997, pp. 187-188.
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BENEŠ Miroslav, HRUŠKA Tomáš and MÁČEL Michal. Bootstrapping of an Object-Oriented Database System. In: Proceedings of 10th International Conference Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research and DECUS NUG Seminar. Varna, 1996, pp. 188-195. ISBN 954-8329-121-3.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš. Dědičnost. In: Sborník semináře Tvorba software 96. Ostrava: Tanger Ltd., 1996, pp. 107-117. ISBN 80-85988-09-7.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš. G2 - object-oriented database system. In: Workshop 96 proceedings. Praha: unknown, 1996, pp. 261-262.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš. G2-Model of Information Systems. In: Proceedings of the MOSIS 96 Conference. Krnov, 1996, pp. 264-269. ISBN 80-85988-02-X.
DetailBENEŠ Miroslav and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Modularita v jazycích pro popis objektově orientovaných údajů. In: Studnice: unknown, 1996, pp. 8-12.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš. Modularita v jazycích pro popis objektově orientovaných údajů. In: Sborník z Letní školy informačních systémů 1996. Studnice: unknown, 1996, pp. 8-12. ISBN 80-214-0774-3.
DetailBENEŠ Miroslav, HRUŠKA Tomáš and MÁČEL Michal. Nested Objects and Items of Variable Length. In: Proceedings of 22nd Conference of the ASU. Clermont Ferrand: unknown, 1996, pp. 39-46. ISSN 1102-593X.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš. Object Models of Information Systems. In: Proceedings of the MOSIS 96 Conference. Krnov, 1996, pp. 252-257. ISBN 80-85988-02-X.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš and KOLENČÍK Petr. Semantics of Object Identification in Object-oriented Database Model. In: Proceedings of Scientific Conference Electronic Computers and Informatics. Košice: unknown, 1996, pp. 243-249.
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HRUŠKA Tomáš and MÁČEL Michal. Obchodní a ekonomické informační systémy (od relační k objektově orientované technologii). In: Sborník příspěvků III. mezinárodní konference Informatika 95. Bratislava: unknown, 1995, pp. 147-153. ISBN 80-233-0355-4.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš. DAPLEX - funkcionální objektově orientovaný model. In: Sborník semináře Advanced Simulation of Systems 95. Zábřeh, 1995, pp. 42-47. ISBN 80-901751-1-2.
DetailBENEŠ Miroslav and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Data Types in Object-Oriented Databases. In: Proceedings of Session 26 Conference on the Technical University Ostrava. Ostrava, 1995, pp. 318-324. ISBN 80-901751-7-1.
DetailBENEŠ Miroslav, HRUŠKA Tomáš and MÁČEL Michal. Database System G2. In: Proceedings of COFAX Conference of Database Systems. Bratislava, 1995, pp. 13-19. ISBN 80-233-0348-1.
DetailBENEŠ Miroslav and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Extensible Type System for Term Graphs Rewriting. In: Proceedings of the Black Sea InfoTech 95 Conference. Varna: unknown, 1995, pp. 1-5. ISBN 954-8490-03-X.
DetailBENEŠ Miroslav and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Graph Rewriting as a Tool for System Description. In: Proceedings of the IFIP Workshop CAST and Computer System Technology. Insbruck: unknown, 1995, pp. 9-10.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš. Objektově orientované databáze a jejich použití. In: Sborník mezinárodní konference EIS 95. Zlín: Brno University of Technology, 1995, pp. 31-38. ISBN 80-214-0593-7.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš. Objektově orientované databázové technologie. In: Sborník semináře Tvorba software 95. Ostrava: Tanger Ltd., 1995, pp. 113-124. ISBN 80-901751-3-9.
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BENEŠ Miroslav, HRUŠKA Tomáš and ŠTEVKO Elemír. Applications of Graph Rewriting Systems in Compiler Implementation. In: Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Graph Grammars. Williamsburg, Virginia, 1994, pp. 77-82.
DetailBENEŠ Miroslav, HRUŠKA Tomáš and MÁČEL Michal. Objektově orientované funkcionální modelování. In: Sborník koloquia Vybrané problémy simulačních modelů. Brno, 1994, pp. 46-53. ISBN 80-901229-9-X.
DetailBENEŠ Miroslav, HRUŠKA Tomáš and ŠTEVKO Elemír. Rooted Graph with Types and Inheritance. In: Proceedings of the ASU 94 Conference. Praha: unknown, 1994, pp. 194-204.
DetailBENEŠ Miroslav and HRUŠKA Tomáš. System Models based on Graph Grammars. In: Proceedings of 8th Internatioval Conference SAER 94. Varna, 1994, pp. 77-82. ISBN 954-8329-06-9.
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HRUŠKA Tomáš. Compiler Implementation Using Graph Transformation. In: Proceedings of the COMPUGRAPH II Workshop. Leiden: unknown, 1993, p. 24.
DetailBENEŠ Miroslav, HRUŠKA Tomáš and ZDRÁHAL Petr. Compiler Implementation Using Graph Transformation. In: Proceedings of the SOFSEM 93 Conference. Milovy: unknown, 1993, pp. 1-5.
DetailBENEŠ Miroslav and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Functional Programming in Information Engineering. In: Proceedings of the CATE 93 Conference. Brno: unknown, 1993, pp. 345-349.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš and TOMÍŠEK Jan. IZUS - nový pohled na řízení administrativy. In: Computer Echo. Praha: unknown, 1993, pp. 40-43. ISSN 0862-870X.
DetailBENEŠ Miroslav, HRUŠKA Tomáš and ŠTEVKO Elemír. Using Graph Transformation in Discrete Simulation. In: Proceedings of the MOSIS 93 Conference. Olomouc, 1993, pp. 275-281.
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BENEŠ Miroslav and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Attributed Graph Rewriting. In: Knižnice VUT. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 1992, pp. 177-184.
DetailHRUŠKA Tomáš, SOKOLOWSKI P. and ZELENÝ Jaroslav. Ein Vergleich von CISC und RISC Architekturen. In: Institut fuer Angewandte Informatik an der EBS. Germany, 1992, p. 28.
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HONZÍK Jan M., HRUŠKA Tomáš and MÁČEL Michal. Vybrané kapitoly z programovacích technik. Sborník Den Evropy v Brně. VUT v Brně: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science BUT, 1991.
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HRUŠKA Tomáš. Pascal pro začátečníky. Praha, 1989. ISBN 80-03-03345-8.
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ČEŠKA Milan, HONZÍK Jan M., HRUŠKA Tomáš and RÁBOVÁ Zdeňka. Počítače a programování. VUT v Brně: Faculty of Electrical Engineering TUB, 1985.
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BLATNÝ Jan, ZENDULKA Jaroslav, HRUŠKA Tomáš and EYSSELT Miloš. Simulační systém SFDL/SCL. Knižnice odborných a vědeckých spisů VUT Brno, svazek A-26. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 1984, pp. 81-98.
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HONZÍK Jan M., HRUŠKA Tomáš and ZBOŘIL František. Strojově orientované jazyky. VUT v Brně: Faculty of Electrical Engineering TUB, 1983.