====== Error log ====== Odeslání formulářů se loguje pro kontrolu, zda byl opravdu vyplněn a nebyly odevzdány "náhodné soubory". Níže je výstup ze skriptu, který porovnává odevzdané soubory se soubory v logu. Mělo by sloužit zpravidla pro kontrolu, zda jste omylem nezapomněli něco odevzdat, špatně nezabalili archiv, nepojmenovali chybně soubory apod... * **missing wis zip file** - Formulář vyplněn, ale nejsou odevdány soubory do WISu. Bez odevzdaných souborů nelze udělit body. * **missing wis file: ** - Archiv odevzdán, ale chybí konkrétní soubor. Může být způsobeno i špatným formátem souboru v archivu * **missing log file: ** - Soubor odevzdán do WISu, ale nevyplněn ve formuláři. Může se jednat o podvrh a soubor nemůže být použit pro statistiky. * **log file and wis file are not same** - Odevzdán jiný soubor, než je v logu. V některých případech může být způsobeno tím, že byl formulář vyplněn vícekrát (není nutně chyba) - porovnám si případně s historií logů. * **archive contains unknown files** - archiv obsahuje i jiné soubory (např. omylem odevzdaný projekt do IMP, ISA nebo IJA :) ) V případě, že jste si zapomněli po vyplnění formuláře stáhnout konkrétní soubor, mohu vám ho na vyžádání poslat (kontaktujte mě mailem). Jinak je nutné formulář vyplnit znova. ===== So pro 23 07:23:00 CET 2017 ===== preparing... checking log files... xcagas01: missing wis zip file xdobia11: missing wis zip file xdolez67: missing wis zip file xdubov00: missing wis zip file xfajku06: missing wis zip file xjanus08: missing wis zip file xkarpi05: missing wis zip file xlogin00: missing wis zip file xmasar12: missing wis zip file xricht25: missing wis zip file xrykal00: missing wis zip file xschmi08: missing wis zip file xvasil03: missing wis zip file checking wis files... xbreza00: missing wis zip file xdrahn00: log file and wis file density_black are not same xdraho11: missing wis zip file xdubra03: missing log file: balance_black xholik13: archive contains unknown files xhosek11: log file and wis file balance_black are not same xhosek11: log file and wis file density_color are not same xhosek11: log file and wis file density_gray are not same xhosek11: log file and wis file overall_color are not same [xjanik20.zip] End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last disk(s) of this archive. unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of xjanik20.zip or xjanik20.zip.zip, and cannot find xjanik20.zip.ZIP, period. xjanik20: missing wis file: balance_black xjanik20: missing wis file: balance_color xjanik20: missing wis file: balance_gray xjanik20: missing wis file: colorfulness_color xjanik20: missing wis file: density_black xjanik20: missing wis file: density_color xjanik20: missing wis file: density_gray xjanik20: missing wis file: overall_color xkarli05: missing wis file: balance_black xkarli05: missing wis file: balance_color xkarli05: missing wis file: balance_gray xkarli05: missing wis file: colorfulness_color xkarli05: missing wis file: density_black xkarli05: missing wis file: density_color xkarli05: missing wis file: density_gray xkarli05: missing wis file: overall_color xkyzli02: archive contains unknown files xnavra57: log file and wis file balance_gray are not same xniede03: archive contains unknown files xpolak33: missing wis zip file xresov00: missing log file: balance_black xresov00: missing log file: balance_gray xresov00: missing log file: colorfulness_color xresov00: missing log file: density_black xresov00: missing log file: density_color xresov00: missing log file: density_gray xresov00: missing log file: overall_color xskala11: missing wis file: balance_gray xskala11: missing wis file: colorfulness_color xskala11: missing wis file: density_black xskala11: missing wis file: density_color xskala11: missing wis file: density_gray xskala11: missing wis file: overall_color [xurban66.zip] End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last disk(s) of this archive. unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of xurban66.zip or xurban66.zip.zip, and cannot find xurban66.zip.ZIP, period. xurban66: missing wis file: balance_black xurban66: missing wis file: balance_color xurban66: missing wis file: balance_gray xurban66: missing wis file: colorfulness_color xurban66: missing wis file: density_black xurban66: missing wis file: density_color xurban66: missing wis file: density_gray xurban66: missing wis file: overall_color xverny00: archive contains unknown files xverny00: missing wis file: balance_gray xverny00: missing wis file: density_gray OK: xambro15 xandri03 xaubre02 xbarto88 xbarvi00 xbayer08 xbazik00 xbedna60 xbedna62 xberky02 xblaze31 xbohus01 xbolva00 xbucha02 xbucht25 xbures29 xbures30 xcalam01 xcecho06 xcerny66 xczern01 xdekre00 xdobro18 xdosli00 xdosta46 xdoube03 xdronz00 xdvora2d xdykto00 xermak00 xfedor07 xfilak03 xfiser14 xfisch04 xflajs00 xfryzj01 xgreso00 xgrofc00 xgross09 xgrzyb00 xgyori00 xhaast00 xhandz00 xharag01 xhauer02 xhelie00 xhlipa01 xholec07 xhorky23 xhrabo08 xhrabo09 xhruba08 xhudja00 xhurta03 xhytyc00 xchova17 xchrip00 xjanco06 xjanec28 xjares00 xjirus01 xjudap00 xkadle34 xkamen06 xklemb00 xkleme11 xkobli06 xkolar62 xkolbj00 xkolcu00 xkorce01 xkozel18 xkrajc17 xkubal11 xkulaj02 xleono00 xleont01 xlukac10 xmacur07 xmalan02 xmarek59 xmarus07 xmasar13 xmatej52 xmatus31 xmazan07 xmerka04 xmicha65 xmikan00 xmikul57 xmisov00 xmlejn04 xmojzi07 xmolit00 xmoros01 xmosko04 xmrazj01 xmuzik05 xmysza00 xnahal01 xnedel08 xnerud01 xnosal00 xnovak1m xnovak1s xondre09 xondru14 xorlic00 xosker02 xpagac06 xpalie00 xpanic00 xpapla00 xpolac27 xpolak34 xprist06 xpumrm00 xrizek01 xrusin03 xsemri00 xshapo00 xskocd02 xskurl01 xslama25 xslavk01 xsmeka13 xstanc03 xstolj00 xstude23 xsubaa00 xsuhaj02 xsvobo0z xsvora01 xsvore01 xszeke01 xtavel00 xtomas32 xtotha01 xturec06 xtusim00 xuhlia03 xuhlir18 xulicn00 xvalen20 xvalka03 xvasko12 xvavro04 xvejci00 xvichs00 xvlnas00 xvodaz01 xwildm00 xzales12 xzaple36 xzarsk03 xzaryb00 xzembj00 xzilva02 xziska02 xzivca03 done! ===== ne 17. prosince 2017 19:08:35 CET ===== ./eval.sh preparing... checking log files... xbazik00: missing wis zip file xblaze31: missing wis zip file xczern01: missing wis zip file xdobia11: missing wis zip file xdolez67: missing wis zip file xdubov00: missing wis zip file xfajku06: missing wis zip file xgross09: missing wis zip file xhosek11: missing wis zip file xkarpi05: missing wis zip file xlogin00: missing wis zip file xmolit00: missing wis zip file xnedel08: missing wis zip file xricht25: missing wis zip file xrykal00: missing wis zip file xsemri00: missing wis zip file xsuhaj02: missing wis zip file checking wis files... xbreza00: missing wis zip file xdrahn00: log file and wis file density_black are not same xdubra03: missing log file: balance_black xhrabo09: missing log file: balance_black xchrip00: missing wis file: colorfulness_color xchrip00: missing wis file: density_black xchrip00: missing wis file: density_gray xchrip00: missing wis file: overall_color xmazan07: log file and wis file balance_black are not same xmazan07: log file and wis file balance_color are not same xmazan07: log file and wis file balance_gray are not same xmazan07: log file and wis file colorfulness_color are not same xmazan07: log file and wis file density_color are not same xmerka04: missing wis file: density_black xnavra57: log file and wis file balance_gray are not same xpolak33: missing wis zip file xresov00: missing log file: balance_black xresov00: missing log file: balance_gray xresov00: missing log file: colorfulness_color xresov00: missing log file: density_black xresov00: missing log file: density_color xresov00: missing log file: density_gray xresov00: missing log file: overall_color xskala11: missing wis file: balance_gray xskala11: missing wis file: colorfulness_color xskala11: missing wis file: density_black xskala11: missing wis file: density_color xskala11: missing wis file: density_gray xskala11: missing wis file: overall_color xstolj00: missing wis file: density_gray [xurban66.zip] End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last disk(s) of this archive. unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of xurban66.zip or xurban66.zip.zip, and cannot find xurban66.zip.ZIP, period. xurban66: missing wis file: balance_black xurban66: missing wis file: balance_color xurban66: missing wis file: balance_gray xurban66: missing wis file: colorfulness_color xurban66: missing wis file: density_black xurban66: missing wis file: density_color xurban66: missing wis file: density_gray xurban66: missing wis file: overall_color OK: xambro15 xandri03 xaubre02 xbarvi00 xbayer08 xbedna62 xberky02 xbohus01 xbolva00 xbucha02 xbucht25 xbures29 xcalam01 xcecho06 xcerny66 xdekre00 xdobro18 xdosli00 xdoube03 xdronz00 xdvora2d xdykto00 xermak00 xfedor07 xfiser14 xfisch04 xflajs00 xfryzj01 xgreso00 xgrzyb00 xhandz00 xharag01 xhauer02 xhlipa01 xholec07 xholik13 xhruba08 xhudja00 xchova17 xjanec28 xjirus01 xjudap00 xkadle34 xkamen06 xkleme11 xkobli06 xkolar62 xkolbj00 xkubal11 xleono00 xlukac10 xmacur07 xmalan02 xmarek59 xmarus07 xmatej52 xmatus31 xmicha65 xmikan00 xmikul57 xmojzi07 xmysza00 xnerud01 xnosal00 xnovak1m xnovak1s xondru14 xorlic00 xpagac06 xpapla00 xpumrm00 xrizek01 xshapo00 xskurl01 xslavk01 xstanc03 xstude23 xsubaa00 xsvobo0z xsvora01 xsvore01 xtomas32 xuhlir18 xulicn00 xvalka03 xvasko12 xvavro04 xvejci00 xvichs00 xvlnas00 xwildm00 xzales12 xzaple36 xzembj00 xzilva02 done!