Textjuicer - Software for Generating Summaries, software
Authors: Dočekal Martin, Fajčík Martin, Hradiš Michal -
Official Implementation of Fact-Checking System "Claim-Dissector", software
Authors: Fajčík Martin, Smrž Pavel, Motlíček PetrSoftware - image and data processing algorithms on the server, software
Authors: Buchal Petr, Fajčík Martin, Kadlček Filip, Kolář Martin, Milet Tomáš, Nosko Svetozár, Polóni Pavol, Vlnas Michal, Zemčík Pavel -
IDIAPERS @ CASE22-TASK 3: Event Causality Identification, software
Authors: Fajčík Martin, Motlíček Petr, Smrž Pavel -
Official implementation of BUT-FIT's solution from SemEval-2020 Task 4: Commonsense Validation and Explanation, software
Authors: Dočekal Martin, Fajčík Martin, Jon Josef, Smrž PavelRethinking the Objectives of Extractive Question Answering, software
Authors: Fajčík Martin, Jon Josef, Smrž PavelR2-D2: System for Open-Domain Question Answering, software
Authors: Fajčík Martin, Dočekal Martin, Ondřej Karel, Smrž Pavel -
Official implementation of BUT-FIT's solution from SemEval-2020 Task 5: Counterfactual Recognition, software
Authors: Dočekal Martin, Fajčík Martin, Jon Josef, Smrž Pavel -
Official implementation of BUT-FIT's solution from Rumoureval2019 competition, software
Authors: Fajčík Martin, Burget Lukáš, Smrž Pavel