To effectively train classification algorithms, appropriate datasets and sufficient computational resources are required. When training neural networks, it's critical to possess datasets containing thousands to tens of thousands of images. This has been the driving force behind the development of software for generating datasets from 3D models. The SyDa Generator is a tool for generating images from the projection of a 3D model. This approach allows the creation of generated datasets that can be used to train machine learning algorithms and validate the results of existing solutions.
Created as part of the project Tools and methods of video and image processing for increasing the efficiency of operations of security and rescue forces, project of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic, VI20172020068, 2015-2020.
The program can be run with or without parameters, which is useful when running the program via a script:
SYDAGenerator.exe config_file model_file options
-p [string] : prefix of the output files (when running in batch, we recommend changing the prefix so that the files are not overwritten),
-f : model texture mirroring (some models have mirrored texture coordinates),
-s : auto-generation mode,
-b [string] : path to the file containing the background,
-o [string] : output file (if it does not exist, it is created)
Example of running the generator with 3D model gun_model.obj
with background forest.png
. The output will be generated in the output folder and the output files will have the prefix set to test
SYDAGenerator.exe config.json gun_model.obj -b forest.png -o output -p test
The program can be parameterized either by a configuration file (with config.json
as the default configuration file) or by a user interface (some options are not available in the GUI due to the necessity of configuration loading at startup).
Contents of the configuration file (comments are for documentation purposes only and are not allowed in JSON files):
"color_light" : "warm", // illumination type (warm|cool)
"bloom" : true, // bloom effect (true|false) - This is an effect that blurs the edges, thereby visually enhancing the realism of the output.
"bloom_fbo_scale" : 0.3, // intensity of the bloom effect (0.1-1.0)
"yolo_annotation" : true, // to initiate the generation of YOLOv3 annotation files (true|false)
"allow_norm_output_width_of_object" : true, // to enable object normalization based on width (see the section on Object Width Normalization). (true|false)
"norm_output_width_of_object" : 100, // related to the preceding parameter, width in pixels.
"target_triangles" : 10000, // the number of triangles after reduction
"camera_fov" : 70.0, // vertical field of view of the camera
"default_background" : "", // path to the default background file
"rotateall" : false, // rotation in all planes (true|false)
"euler" : "roll", // if the previous option is set to false, rotation is selected based on this parameter (roll|pitch|yaw)
"minangle" : -45.0, // minimal abgle
"maxangle" : 45.0, // maximal angle
"step" : 5, // step
"downscale" : false, // reducing the output resolution (leave it set to false).
"light" : true, // point lighting (true|false)
"light_roll" : -0.8, // position of the point light (-? - +?)
"light_pitch" : 1.0, // position of the point light (-? - +?)
"light_yaw" : -1.3000001 // position of the point light (-? - +?)
After selecting a 3D model file, the program will attempt to load and display the model in the scene. If the model has more vertices than the allowed limit, the program will launch an external tool to perform reduction. The reduced model will be saved in the same folder as the original file. The name of the reduced file is generated using the original name and a hash calculated from the name and path of the original file. SYDAGenerator will then load the reduced model.
Upon loading, the model will be in its original scale as determined by its storage. In most cases, you will need to modify the model by resizing, properly orienting it, and finally centering it. Keep in mind that during generation, the model rotates with respect to the origin of the coordinate system (this point is represented in the program by the intersection of three planes).
You can modify the model using the following keyboard shortcuts:
R + (left arrow|right arrow) - rotation around the Z-axis
T + (left arrow|right arrow) - rotation around the Y-axis
Y + (left arrow|right arrow) - rotation around the X-axis
X + (left arrow|right arrow) - rotation around the Z-axis
C + (left arrow|right arrow) - rotation around the Y-axis
V + (left arrow|right arrow) - rotation around the X-axis
F + (left arrow|right arrow) - scale change
After making the modifications, save the model configuration either by using the Save Options
option in the user interface or by using the shortcut CTRL + S
In some situations, it is appropriate to have the size of objects standardized to a specific width. The program allows you to normalize the output to a desired width (in pixels). In the configuration file, the option allow_norm_output_width_of_object
must be set to true. Normalization is done relative to the distance determined by points marked on the image. These are the points created by the intersection of the 3D model, the red plane, and the blue plane.
After projection, this distance on the output frames will have the desired width (the norm_output_width_of_object
parameter value).
Among the main scene parameters are the vertical field of view of the camera (VFOV) and the distance from the camera to the object (Distance to object). Other options can be managed using the following keyboard shortcuts.
1 - Toggle display of coordinate system planes (recommended for centering adjustments).
2 - Toggle background on/off.
G - Start/stop generating frames at angles.
If you want to illuminate the object with point lighting, you can set the lighting position using Euler angles in the configuration file or through the UI.
The process of generating frames is initiated by pressing the G button or by clicking on Dataset -> Start generating
Generation is configured using the following items in the configuration file.
"rotateall": false, // rotation in all planes (true|false)
"euler": "roll", // if the previous option is false, rotation is selected based on this parameter (roll|pitch|yaw)
"minangle": -45.0, // minimum angle
"maxangle": 46.0, // maximum angle
"step": 5 // step
If you enable the rotateall
option (by setting it to true
), the rotation will occur in the yaw, pitch, and roll angles within the specified range of minangle
to maxangle
. However, if you set the rotateall
option to false
, the model will rotate only along the axis specified by the euler
If you have multiple models that are the same or very similar, you can use one model configuration file (not the program's config.json) for the others by renaming it to match the name of the other models with a 2
suffix. For example, if you have model1.obj
that you modify in the program and save its configuration (CTRL+S
), the configuration will be saved in a file named model1.obj.json
(in the same directory as the 3D model file). If you want to use the same configuration for model2.obj
, simply copy the file (model1.obj.json) to the directory where model2.obj is located and rename it to model2.obj.json
If the program reduces the 3D model, it will create a file with a name composed of a hash and the original file name. When you open the model file again, it will load the previously saved reduced model. However, a potential issue may arise if you modify the original file (without changing its path), and the program continues to load the reduced model. Therefore, after modifying your model, you may need to delete the file with the modified model's name (e.g., nazev_modelu_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.obj
These modules are used to simulate various characteristics of real cameras, such as resolution, distortion, and noise. In the basic version of the program, these modules are disabled. To activate and obtain these modules, a commercial license is required. For more information, you can contact the email address
Projection of a generated 3D head model.
64-bit version for Windows: here
Author: Tomas Goldmann
Research group STRaDe website:
If you use this application, please cite the following publication.License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0
Because the license for using this software is free, no warranties are provided. Copyright holders and/or other parties provide this software "as is," without any warranties of any kind, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. You assume all risks concerning the quality or performance of this software. If it is found to be defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction.