AI Road Passport, TACR, FW11020147, 2024-2026, running, start: 2024-07-01, end: 2026-12-31
DetailCR - MAIA LABS 2024, MAIA LABS, 2024, running, start: 2024-06-01, end: 2024-12-31
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Long Life Power Platforms for Internet of Things, KDT JU, 9A23012, SEP-101112286, 2023-2026, running, start: 2023-06-01, end: 2026-05-31
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Dodání návrhu a vývoj systému pro rozdělování výkonu GPU serverů, umístěných v datových centrech, Cryze s.r.o., 2022, completed, start: 2022-04-01, end: 2022-09-30
DetailIntelligent Sensors for Traffic Monitoring, MPO CR, EG21_374/0026902, 2022-2023, completed, start: 2022-03-01, end: 2023-05-31
DetailIntelligent Sensors for Traffic Monitoring - Camea SV, CAMEA, 2022-2023, completed, start: 2022-07-01, end: 2023-05-31
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AI-augmented automation for efficient DevOps, a model-based framework for continuous development At RunTime in cyber-physical systems, ECSEL JU, 8A21015, 101007350, 2021-2024, running, start: 2021-04-01, end: 2024-09-30
DetailSECUSEN II: SECure SENsors - Industrial Intelligence, TACR - Národní centra kompetence 1, TN01000077/14, 2021-2022, completed, start: 2021-09-01, end: 2022-12-31
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OCCAM - OCR, ClassificAtion & Machine Translation, EC EU - Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), 2019-2021, completed, start: 2019-10-01, end: 2021-09-30
DetailSECUSEN - SECUre SENsors and data, TACR - Národní centra kompetence 1, TN01000077/07, 2019-2021, completed, start: 2019-09-01, end: 2021-03-31
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Acceleration of algorithms for software solution of "Picture in Picture (PinP) - 2", Twistorm, s.r.o., 2017, completed, start: 2017-06-01, end: 2017-07-31
DetailAcceleration of algorithms for software solution of "Picture in Picture (PinP)", Twistorm, s.r.o., 2017, completed, start: 2017-03-01, end: 2017-05-31
DetailDigimat, CEA - Horizon 2020, 2017, completed, start: 2017-04-01, end: 2017-06-30
DetailModerní a otevřené studium techniky (MOST), MŠMT CR, 2017-2022, completed, start: 2017-09-01, end: 2022-12-31
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IT4Innovations excellence in science, MŠMT CR, LQ1602, 2016-2020, completed, start: 2016-01-01, end: 2020-12-31
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CEPTIS - Computing Embedded Platforms for Traffic, Industry, and Surveillance, MŠMT CR, LF15012, 2015-2017, completed, start: 2015-10-01, end: 2017-12-31
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Processing, recognition and imaging of multimeadia and 3D data, BUT, FIT-S-14-2506, 2014-2016, completed, start: 2014-01-01, end: 2016-12-31
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Intelligent Management Platform for Advanced Real-Time media processes, EU-7FP-ICT, 7E13044, 316564, 2012-2015, completed, start: 2012-11-01, end: 2015-10-31
DetailV3C - Visual Computing Competence Center, TACR, TE01020415, 2012-2019, completed, start: 2012-05-01, end: 2019-12-31
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The IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence, MŠMT CR, ED1.1.00/02.0070, 2011-2015, completed, start: 2011-01-01, end: 2015-12-31