
Barbora Šmahlíková

Ph.D. student
221664/BUT personal ID


  • 2023

    HAVLENA Vojtěch, LENGÁL Ondřej, LI Yong, ŠMAHLÍKOVÁ Barbora and TURRINI Andrea. Modular Mix-and-Match Complementation of Büchi Automata. In: Proceedings of TACAS'23. Paris: Springer Verlag, 2023, pp. 249-270. ISSN 0302-9743.

    HAVLENA Vojtěch, LENGÁL Ondřej, LI Yong, ŠMAHLÍKOVÁ Barbora and TURRINI Andrea. Modular Mix-and-Match Complementation of Büchi Automata (Technical Report). Ithaca: Cornell University Library, 2023.

  • 2022

    HAVLENA Vojtěch, LENGÁL Ondřej and ŠMAHLÍKOVÁ Barbora. Complementing Büchi Automata with Ranker. In: Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification. Haifa: Springer Verlag, 2022, pp. 188-201. ISBN 978-3-031-13187-5. ISSN 0302-9743.

    HAVLENA Vojtěch, LENGÁL Ondřej and ŠMAHLÍKOVÁ Barbora. Complementing Büchi Automata with Ranker (Technical Report). Ithaca: Cornell University Library, 2022.

    HAVLENA Vojtěch, LENGÁL Ondřej and ŠMAHLÍKOVÁ Barbora. Sky Is Not the Limit: Tighter Rank Bounds for Elevator Automata in Buchi Automata Complementation. In: Proceedings of TACAS'22. Munich: Springer Verlag, 2022, pp. 118-136. ISBN 978-3-030-99526-3. ISSN 0302-9743.

    HAVLENA Vojtěch, LENGÁL Ondřej and ŠMAHLÍKOVÁ Barbora. Sky Is Not the Limit: Tighter Rank Bounds for Elevator Automata in Buchi Automata Complementation (Technical Report). Ithaca, 2022.

  • 2021

    HAVLENA Vojtěch, LENGÁL Ondřej and ŠMAHLÍKOVÁ Barbora. Deciding S1S: Down the Rabbit Hole and Through the Looking Glass. In: Proceedings of NETYS'21. Lecture notes in Computer Science. Cham: Springer Verlag, 2021, pp. 215-222. ISSN 0302-9743.

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