Application-specific HW/SW architectures and their applications, BUT, FIT-S-23-8141, 2023-2025, running, start: 2023-03-01, end: 2025-12-31
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Acceleration of selected evolutionary computing techniques for solving global optimization problems., BUT, FIT/FSI-J-22-7980, 2022, completed, start: 2022-03-01, end: 2022-12-31
DetailClosed-loop Individualized image-guided Transcranial Ultrasonic Stimulation, EC EU - HORIZON EUROPE, 101071008, 101071008, 2022-2026, running, start: 2022-10-01, end: 2026-09-30
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Acceleration of Selected Evolutionary Communication Techniques for Solving combinatoric NP-complete tasks, BUT, FIT/FSI-J-21-7435, 2021, completed, start: 2021-03-01, end: 2021-12-31
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Design, Optimization and Evaluation of Application Specific Computer Systems, BUT, FIT-S-20-6309, 2020-2022, completed, start: 2020-03-01, end: 2022-12-31
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Advanced parallel and embedded computer systems, BUT, FIT-S-17-3994, 2017-2019, completed, start: 2017-03-01, end: 2019-12-31
DetailPhotoacoustic/Ultrasound Mammoscopy for evaluating screening-detected lesions in the breast, EC EU, PAMMOTH, PAMMOTH, 2017-2021, completed, start: 2017-01-01, end: 2021-06-30
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IT4Innovations excellence in science, MŠMT CR, LQ1602, 2016-2020, completed, start: 2016-01-01, end: 2020-12-31
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Architecture of parallel and embedded computer systems, BUT, FIT-S-14-2297, 2014-2016, completed, start: 2014-03-01, end: 2016-12-31
DetailLarge-Scale Simulations of the Ultrasound Wave Propagation in the Human Brain, SMCIM, SoMoPro-II-2013-IG, 2014-2016, completed, start: 2014-01-01, end: 2016-12-31
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Simulating the effect of fiducial markers on high-intensity focussed ultrasound treatments of the prostate, PRACE, 11DECI0130, 2013-2014, completed, start: 2013-11-01, end: 2014-10-31
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Natural Computing on Unconventional Platforms, GACR, GAP103/10/1517, 2010-2013, completed, start: 2010-01-01, end: 2013-12-31
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Safety and security of networked embedded system applications, GACR, GA102/08/1429, 2008-2010, completed, start: 2008-01-01, end: 2010-12-31
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Design and hardware implementation of a patent-invention machine, GACR, GA102/07/0850, 2007-2009, completed, start: 2007-01-01, end: 2009-12-31
DetailSecurity-Oriented Research in Information Technology, CEZ MŠMT, MSM0021630528, 2007-2013, completed, start: 2007-01-01, end: 2013-12-31
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EDA evolutionary design of group communication schedules, FRVŠ MŠMT, FR2983/2006/G1, 2006, completed, start: 2006-01-01, end: 2006-12-31