
Zbyněk Křivka


Assistant professor

+420 54114 1313
C229 Office
13784/BUT personal ID


Consulting hours

Monday, 11:00-12:00, B/C229 (Božetěchova 1/2, Brno 61200)

  • Not available: Nov 12-15, 2024 and Feb 10-14, 2025
  • Send me an e-mail if you need some consultation or ask during my lecture.
  • You can reach me at MS Teams using my account.

Lectured courses

IFJ Formal Languages and Compilers
Lecture, Project, Czech, English, winter, DIFS
IFJe Formal Languages and Compilers (in English)
Lecture, Project, English, winter, DIFS
IPP Principles of Programming Languages
Lecture, Project, Czech, English, summer, DIFS
IPPe Principles of Programming Languages (in English)
Lecture, Project, English, summer, DIFS
VYPa Compiler Construction (in English)
Lecture, Project, English, winter, DIFS
GAL Graph Algorithms
Lecture, Project, Czech, English, winter, DIFS
GALe Graph Algorithms (in English)
Lecture, Project, English, winter, DIFS
IKK Circle Consultations
Fundamentals seminar, Czech, winter, DCGM
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