Petr Lampa
Administrator and Developer of Web Information Systems FIT/BUT
+420 54114 1200
+420 54114 1225
L129 Office
Education and academic qualification
Ing. in computer engineering, VUT Brno, 1985
Career overview
- since 1980 studies at FE BUT and work on VHČ research projects as an auxiliary scientific force (pomvěd)
- since 1986 employee of the SAPO FE BUT department (UIVT FEI BUT, now FIT BUT)
- working experience at Unix System Laboratories Europe, London, UK - localization of SVR4.2 and UnixWare (project FIGS), 1992/3
- Computer Centre management, 1994-2021
Scientific activities
- development of Pascal/ADT compiler and run-time libraries, 1983-1989
- microprocessor systems design (EPROM emulator with Z-80, intelligent 4-port serial multiplexor, coprocessor board based on Motorola 68000), 1983-1990
- development of operating system DOS/ADT, 1984-1989
- Unix systems and LAN administration, 1990-
- open-source patches (apache, sendmail, sshguard, tinyproxy, XORP, FreeBSD, inn, openssl, ...), 1995-
- Computer Centre management, 1994-2021
- Web design and implementation (Web of FEECS DCSE, FEECS, FIT), national charset support for Apache, 1996-
- design of University Gigabit Backbone, 1998-2002
- development of FIT information system, 2001-2020
- IPv6 installation and operation on BUT, 2007-2020