MALINKA Kamil, FIRC Anton, ŠALKO Milan, PRUDKÝ Daniel, RADAČOVSKÁ Karolína and HANÁČEK Petr. Comprehensive Multiparametric Analysis of Human Deepfake Speech Recognition. Eurasip Journal on Image and Video Processing, vol. 2024, no. 1, pp. 1-25. ISSN 1687-5281.
DetailPEREŠÍNI Martin, HLADKÝ Tomáš, MALINKA Kamil and HOMOLIAK Ivan. DAG-Sword: A Simulator for DAG-Oriented Proof-of-Work Blockchains with Realistic Network Topologies. In: Proceedings of the 57th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Waikiki: IEEE Computer Society, 2024, pp. 1-10. ISBN 978-0-9981331-7-1.
DetailFIRC Anton, MALINKA Kamil and HANÁČEK Petr. Deepfake Speech Detection: A Spectrogram Analysis. In: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. Avila: Association for Computing Machinery, 2024, pp. 1312-1320. ISBN 979-8-4007-0243-3.
DetailMALINKA Kamil and FIRC Anton. Deepfakes: příležitost, nebo hrozba?. Proč se nebát umělé inteligence?. Praha: Nakladatelství JOTA, s.r.o., 2024, pp. 271-283. ISBN 978-80-7689-459-4.
DetailFIRC Anton, MALINKA Kamil and HANÁČEK Petr. Diffuse or Confuse: A Diffusion Deepfake Speech Dataset. In: 2024 International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG). Darmstadt: GI - Group for computer science, 2024, pp. 1-7. ISBN 978-3-88579-749-4.
DetailMALINKA Kamil. ChatGPT in education - year after. Have the catastrophic scenarios come true?. Book of Abstracts SCITEED 2024. Oludeniz, 2024.
DetailPEREŠÍNI Martin, HOMOLIAK Ivan, HRUBÝ Martin, BENČIĆ Federico M. and MALINKA Kamil. Incentive Attacks on DAG-Based Blockchains with Random Transaction Selection. In: IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain) - Proceedings. Hainan: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024, pp. 1-8. ISBN 979-8-3503-1929-3.
DetailMALINKA Kamil, FIRC Anton, KAŠKA Petr, LAPŠANSKÝ Tomáš, ŠANDOR Oskar and HOMOLIAK Ivan. Resilience of Voice Assistants to Synthetic Speech. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Bydgoszcz: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2024, pp. 66-84. ISBN 978-3-031-70878-7.
DetailŠALKO Milan, FIRC Anton and MALINKA Kamil. Security Implications of Deepfakes in Face Authentication. In: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. Avila: Association for Computing Machinery, 2024, pp. 1376-1384. ISBN 979-8-4007-0243-3.
DetailMALINKA Kamil, FIRC Anton, LOUTOCKÝ Pavel, VOSTOUPAL Jakub, KRIŠTOFÍK Andrej and KASL František. Using Real-world Bug Bounty Programs in Secure Coding Course: Experience Report. In: Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2024, pp. 227-233. ISBN 979-8-4007-0600-4.
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PRUDKÝ Daniel, FIRC Anton and MALINKA Kamil. Assessing the Human Ability to Recognize Synthetic Speech in Ordinary Conversation. In: 2023 International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG). Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group. Darmstadt: GI - Group for computer science, 2023, pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-3-88579-733-3.
DetailMALINKA Kamil, FIRC Anton and HANÁČEK Petr. Deepfakes a lidé: dokážeme ještě rozlišit pravou řeč od umělé?. DSM Data Security Management, vol. 2023, no. 04, pp. 22-26. ISSN 1211-8737.
DetailFIRC Anton, MALINKA Kamil and HANÁČEK Petr. Deepfakes as a threat to a speaker and facial recognition: an overview of tools and attack vectors. Heliyon, vol. 9, no. 4, 2023, pp. 1-33. ISSN 2405-8440.
DetailFIRC Anton, MALINKA Kamil and HANÁČEK Petr. Deepfakes: Bezpečnostní výzva pro naše uši. DSM Data Security Management, vol. 2023, no. 02, pp. 41-44. ISSN 1211-8737.
DetailPLEŠKO Filip, GOLDMANN Tomáš and MALINKA Kamil. Facial Image Reconstruction and its Influence to Face Recognition. In: 2023 International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG). Darmstadt: Society for Informatics, 2023, pp. 1-4. ISBN 979-8-3503-3655-9.
DetailHUJŇÁK Ondřej, MALINKA Kamil and HANÁČEK Petr. Indirect Bluetooth Low Energy Connection Detection. In: 2023 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN). Bangkok: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023, pp. 328-333. ISBN 978-1-6654-6268-6.
DetailZBOŘIL Jan, HUJŇÁK Ondřej and MALINKA Kamil. IoT Gateways Network Communication Analysis. In: 2023 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN). Bangkok: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023, pp. 334-339. ISBN 978-1-6654-6268-6.
DetailMALINKA Kamil, FIRC Anton, PEREŠÍNI Martin, JANUŠ Filip and HUJŇÁK Ondřej. On the educational impact of ChatGPT: Is Artificial Intelligence ready to obtain a University degree?. In: Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE. Turku: Association for Computing Machinery, 2023, pp. 47-53. ISBN 979-8-4007-0138-2.
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FIRC Anton, MALINKA Kamil and HANÁČEK Petr. Creation and detection of malicious synthetic media - a preliminary survey on deepfakes. In: Sborník příspevků z 54. konference EurOpen.CZ, 28.5.-1.6.2022. Radešín: Czech Open Systems User's Group, 2022, pp. 125-145. ISBN 978-80-86583-34-1.
DetailFIRC Anton, MALINKA Kamil and HANÁČEK Petr. Deepfakes: A Dangerous Entertainment?. In: Recenzovaný sborník příspěvků mezinárodní vědecké konference MMK2022. Hradec Králové: Akademické sdružení MAGNANIMITAS Assn., 2022, pp. 1073-1082. ISBN 978-80-87952-37-5.
DetailHUJŇÁK Ondřej, MALINKA Kamil and HANÁČEK Petr. E-Banking Authentication - Dynamic Password Generators and Hardware Tokens. In: Sborník příspevků z 54. konference EurOpen.CZ, 28.5.-1.6.2022. Radešín: Czech Open Systems User's Group, 2022, pp. 211-221. ISBN 978-80-86583-34-1.
DetailMALINKA Kamil, HUJŇÁK Ondřej, HANÁČEK Petr and HELLEBRANDT Lukáš. E-Banking Security Study - 10 years later. IEEE Access, vol. 2022, no. 10, pp. 16681-16699. ISSN 2169-3536.
DetailMALINKA Kamil, VODOVÁ Libuše, JANČOVÁ Martina, SOBKOVÁ Lenka and SCHINDLER Vladimír. Effective Teaching through Multidisciplinary Lessons Adopting 3D Print - Preliminary Study. In: Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning. Waynesville, NC, 2022, pp. 286-291.
DetailMATYÁŠ Václav, MALINKA Kamil, KRAUS Lydia, KNAPOVÁ Lenka and KRUŽÍKOVÁ Agáta. Even if users do not read security directives, their behavior is not so catastrophic. Communications of the ACM, vol. 65, no. 1, 2022, pp. 37-40. ISSN 0001-0782.
DetailFIRC Anton and MALINKA Kamil. Practical lessons of (deep)faking human speech. In: Sborník příspevků z 54. konference EurOpen.CZ, 28.5.-1.6.2022. Radešín: Czech Open Systems User's Group, 2022, pp. 161-172. ISBN 978-80-86583-34-1.
DetailPEREŠÍNI Martin, MALINKA Kamil, HOMOLIAK Ivan, BENČIĆ Federico M. and HLADKÝ Tomáš. Simulations of DAG-based Blockchain Protocols and Attacks on the PHANTOM Protocol via Transaction Selection Strategies. In: Sborník příspevků z 54. konference EurOpen.CZ, 28.5.-1.6.2022. Radešín: Czech Open Systems User's Group, 2022, pp. 173-184. ISBN 978-80-86583-34-1.
DetailFIRC Anton and MALINKA Kamil. The dawn of a text-dependent society: deepfakes as a threat to speech verification systems. In: SAC '22: Proceedings of the 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing. New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery, 2022, pp. 1646-1655. ISBN 978-1-4503-8713-2.
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MALINKA Kamil and SCHINDLER Vladimír. Current Challenges in the Educational Usage of 3D Printing in Primary and Secondary Schools. In: Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning. Waynesville, NC, 2021, pp. 88-96.
DetailPEREŠÍNI Martin, BENČIĆ Federico M., MALINKA Kamil and HOMOLIAK Ivan. DAG-Oriented Protocols PHANTOM and GHOSTDAG under Incentive Attack via Transaction Selection Strategy. Rotkreuz: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021.
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HOMOLIAK Ivan, MALINKA Kamil and HANÁČEK Petr. ASNM Datasets: A Collection of Network Attacks for Testing of Adversarial Classifiers and Intrusion Detectors. IEEE Access, vol. 8, no. 6, 2020, pp. 112427-112453. ISSN 2169-3536.
DetailOČENÁŠ Martin, HOMOLIAK Ivan, MALINKA Kamil and HANÁČEK Petr. Security and Encryption at Modern Databases. In: ICCSP 2020: Proceedings of the 2020 4th International Conference on Cryptography, Security and Privacy. Nanjing: Association for Computing Machinery, 2020, pp. 19-23. ISBN 978-1-4503-7744-7.
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HELLEBRANDT Lukáš, HOMOLIAK Ivan, MALINKA Kamil and HANÁČEK Petr. Increasing Trust in Tor Node List Using Blockchain. In: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC). Soul: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019, pp. 29-32. ISBN 978-1-7281-1328-9.
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MALINKA Kamil and HARAŠTA Jakub. Právní aspekty sledování využití výpočetní techniky zaměstnancem. DSM Data Security Management, vol. 2016, no. 4, pp. 44-49. ISSN 1211-8737.
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MALINKA Kamil and HANÁČEK Petr. Computational Social Networks - Security and Privacy. Computational Social Networks - Security and Privacy. London: Springer London, 2012, pp. 311-340. ISBN 978-1-4471-4050-4.
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MALINKA Kamil, HANÁČEK Petr and TRZOS Michal. Evaluation of Biometric Authentication Based on Visual Evoked Potentials. In: Proceedings 45th International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology. Piscataway: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2011, pp. 13-19. ISBN 978-1-4577-0901-2.
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HANÁČEK Petr, MALINKA Kamil and SCHÄFER Jiří. E-Banking Security - Comparative Study. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, vol. 25, no. 1, 2010, pp. 29-34. ISSN 0885-8985.
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MALINKA Kamil, HANÁČEK Petr and CVRČEK Daniel. Analyses of Real Email Traffic Properties. Radioengineering, vol. 2009, no. 4, pp. 644-650. ISSN 1210-2512.
DetailMALINKA Kamil and SCHÄFER Jiří. Development of Social Networks in Email Communication. In: The Fourth International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection. Venice: IEEE Computer Society, 2009, p. 5. ISBN 978-0-7695-3612-5.
DetailSCHÄFER Jiří, MALINKA Kamil and HANÁČEK Petr. Peer-to-peer Networks: Security Analysis. International Journal On Advances in Security., vol. 2009, no. 1, pp. 53-61. ISSN 1942-2636.
DetailSCHÄFER Jiří and MALINKA Kamil. Security in Peer-to-Peer Networks: Empiric model of file diffusion in BitTorrent. In: The Fourth International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection. Venice: IEEE Computer Society, 2009, p. 6. ISBN 978-0-7695-3612-5.
DetailMALINKA Kamil. Usability of Visual Evoked Potentials as Behavioral Characteristics for Biometric Authentication. In: The Fourth International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection. Venice: IEEE Computer Society, 2009, p. 6. ISBN 978-0-7695-3612-5.
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MATYÁŠ Václav, KRHOVJÁK Jan, LORENC Václav, KUMPOŠT Marek, ŘÍHA Zdeněk, CVRČEK Daniel, STAUDEK Jan, HOLER Vlastimil, MALINKA Kamil, ŠVENDA Petr and HANÁČEK Petr. Autentizace elektronických transakcí a autorizace dat i uživatelů. Brno: Masaryk University, 2008. ISBN 978-80-210-4556-9.
DetailMALINKA Kamil and PECHO Peter. Co když vás sledují?. CONNECT!, vol. 2008, no. 12, pp. 54-55. ISSN 1211-3085.
DetailHANÁČEK Petr, MALINKA Kamil and SCHÄFER Jiří. E-Banking Security - Comparative Study. In: Proceedings ICCST 2008. Prague: IEEE Computer Society, 2008, pp. 326-330. ISBN 978-1-4244-1816-9.
DetailSCHÄFER Jiří, MALINKA Kamil and HANÁČEK Petr. Malware Spreading Models in Peer-to-peer Networks. In: Proceedings ICCST 2008. Praha: IEEE Computer Society, 2008, pp. 339-345. ISBN 978-1-4244-1816-9.
DetailMALINKA Kamil and PECHO Peter. Nenechte se nechytat! (Evoluční teorie v podání spear phishingu). CONNECT!, vol. 2008, no. 6, pp. 22-23. ISSN 1211-3085.
DetailSCHÄFER Jiří, MALINKA Kamil and HANÁČEK Petr. Peer-to-peer networks security. In: The Third International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection. Bucharest: IEEE Computer Society, 2008, pp. 13-13. ISBN 978-0-7695-3189-2.
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MATYÁŠ Václav, KRHOVJÁK Jan, LORENC Václav, KUMPOŠT Marek, ŘÍHA Zdeněk, CVRČEK Daniel, STAUDEK Jan, HOLER Vlastimil, MALINKA Kamil, ŠVENDA Petr and HANÁČEK Petr. Autentizace uživatelů a autorizace elektronických transakcí. Příručka manažera VIII. Praha: Tate International s.r.o., 2007. ISBN 978-80-86813-14-1.
DetailCVRČEK Daniel and MALINKA Kamil. Effects of Social Networks On Anonymity Systems. In: Proceedings of ISAT 2007. Wroclaw: Wroclaw University of Technology, 2007, p. 8. ISBN 978-83-7493-348-3.
DetailCVRČEK Daniel and MALINKA Kamil. Chování uživatelů elektronické pošty. In: Datakon 2007 - Sborník databázové konference. Brno: Faculty of Informatics MU, 2007, pp. 92-101. ISBN 978-80-7355-076-9.
DetailDRAHANSKÝ Martin, ORSÁG Filip and MALINKA Kamil. Testování snímačů firmy Suprema. Brno: Digitus s.r.o., 2007.