Education and academic qualification
2008 - Ph.D., Information technology, Active Transactions in Collaborative Virtual Environments, FIT VUT Brno, Czech Republic, EU
2020 - Master of Marriage and Family, International Theological Institute, Trumau, Austria, EU
2002 - Ing. (MSc.), computer science, FIT VUT Brno
Career overview
2009-now - researcher at Brno University of Technology in cooperation with Cadwork Informatik AG
2008-2009 - lecturer at Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya
2007 - research of 4D-Technologies in cooperation with University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Windisch, Switzerland, and Cadwork Informatik CI AG
2006-2007 - Cadwork, s.r.o. director and leading programmer
2005 - University of Twente, Netherlands, 6 months research stay, AMI Training programme
2002 - University of Bristol, United Kingdom, 7 months stay
Scientific activities
- 3D rendering, Vulkan, computer graphics and data visualizations, Vulkan Tutorial (in czech language)
- photorealistic scene rendering in "real time"
- Collaborative virtual environments
Non-University activities
Theology of the Body of John Paul II, Formation Courses of Theology of the Body, Spiritual Accompanying, cycling
- International projects: CADR (CAD Renderer - performance optimized visualization library for CAD), Lexolights (photorealistic rendering), 4D-Technologies (NG4DBIM: Lexo4d), AMI (Augmented Multi-party Interaction), DVMR (Distributed Virtual Meeting Room) ... more
- National projects: V3C - Visual Computing Competence Center, Network application server for medical image data, Virtual technical/medical laboratory for 3D human tissues modeling, IMPIT ... more
- My projects: CADR, vkperf (Vulkan microbenchmarking), Vulkan Tutorial (Czech language), GPUEngine, Lexolights, Inventor Tools, Open Inventor tutorial, Sector5 game engine, Genetic development of computer based opponent, SoGlut a SoSDL-RenderArea - window components for Open Inventor, Virtual reality project (report, web pages)
Collaborative Virtual Environments: Active Transactions in Collaborative Virtual Environments, Collaborative Data Sharing, Development of a Distributed Scene Toolkit Based on Open Inventor - Projects of my students: Vulkan-based, 2022, 2021, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2007, 2006, 2005