SoGlut and SoSDL RenderArea

     SoGlut and SoSDL RenderArea are simple components for Open Inventor and other toolkits that implement OI API such as Coin. They give you nearly all functionality of SoXtRenderArea. They are implemented using SDL and GLUT (windows pages, official pages) libraries. GLUT and SDL are window toolkits working on many platforms. This two components are something like wrappers over GLUT and SDL, so they "should" work on every platform where GLUT and SDL work properly.

     Moreover, SoGlut and SoSDL RenderArea have some very useful extensions especially for game developers as full screen support and window position support. User can query for supported screen resolutions, center window on the screen, create windows without borders and so on. LGPL license gives you free usage. For download, go to Download page.

     Currently, both components has been tested on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X and work well. There are some platform specific limitations and some known problems, see FAQ Page. If you discover some improper behaviour, feel free to write me (patches and improvements are also welcomed :-) ).


  • like SoXtRenderArea API
  • portability (Windows, Linux and MacOS X tested)
  • full screen API extension
  • detection of supported screen resolutions
  • window positioning (only SoGlutRenderArea)
  • application does not spike CPU when idle
  • LGPL license
main page      download page      FAQ page

This page is maintained by PC John (,
). Last modified: May 20, 2002