//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Model SIMLIB/C++ // // Bouncing ball (combined simulation, v.1) // #include "simlib.h" const double g = 9.81; // gravity acceleration class Micek : ConditionDown { // ball model description Integrator v,y; // status unsigned count; // void Action() { // Print("# %u:\n", ++count); Out(); // before v = -0.8 * v.Value(); // loss of energy... y = 0; // numeric error elimination if(count>=10) // max 10 Stop(); // end of simulation experiment } public: Micek(double initialposition) : ConditionDown(y), // detects change of (y>=0) from TRUE to FALSE v(-g), // y' = INTG( - m * g ) y(v, initialposition), // y = INTG( y' ) count(0) {} // initialize number void Out() { Print("%-9.3f % -9f %-9g\n", T.Value(), v.Value(), y.Value()); } }; Micek m1(1.0); // model void Sample() { m1.Out(); } // output Sampler S(Sample,0.01); int main() { // experiment description SetOutput("ball.dat"); _Print("# ball - bouncing ball model\n"); Init(0); // initialization of experiment SetStep(1e-10,0.5); // integration step SetAccuracy(1e-5,0.001); // max. integration error Run(); // simulation return 0; }
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