Reliable, Secure, and Intelligent Computer Systems, BUT, FIT-S-23-8151, 2023-2025, running, start: 2023-03-01, end: 2025-12-31
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Development of an application for evaluating the marking of parts in automotive, ŠKODA AUTO a.s., 2021, completed, start: 2021-03-01, end: 2021-12-31
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Reliable, Secure, and Efficient Computer Systems, BUT, FIT-S-20-6427, 2020-2022, completed, start: 2020-03-01, end: 2022-12-31
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Alba Metal Preparedness Analysis and Industry 4.0, Intemac, 2018, completed, start: 2018-05-02, end: 2018-05-23
DetailPossibilities for creation of communite genealogical database with semantic information and uncertainty, TACR, TL01000130, 2018-2021, completed, start: 2018-03-01, end: 2021-02-28
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Digimat, CEA - Horizon 2020, 2017, completed, start: 2017-04-01, end: 2017-06-30
DetailModerní a otevřené studium techniky (MOST), MŠMT CR, 2017-2022, completed, start: 2017-09-01, end: 2022-12-31
DetailSecure and Reliable Computer Systems, BUT, FIT-S-17-4014, FIT-S-17-4014, 2017-2019, completed, start: 2017-03-01, end: 2019-12-31
DetailTeaching capacity of FIT BUT, SMR, 2017-2018, completed, start: 2017-07-01, end: 2018-08-31
DetailWeb Application Industry Dictionary 4.0, ŠKODA AUTO a.s., 2017, completed, start: 2017-04-25, end: 2017-12-31
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Exploring new Applications for Modern Taylor Series Methods to Solve Stiff and High-Order Systems, MŠMT CR, Aktion-76p11, 2016-2017, completed, start: 2016-07-01, end: 2017-10-31
DetailIT4Innovations excellence in science, MŠMT CR, LQ1602, 2016-2020, completed, start: 2016-01-01, end: 2020-12-31
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Reliability and Security in IT, BUT, FIT-S-14-2486, 2014-2016, completed, start: 2014-03-11, end: 2016-12-31
DetailStudent Competition Conference STUDENT EEICT 2014, BUT, FIT-S-14-1, 2014, completed, start: 2014-03-01, end: 2014-12-31
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The IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence, MŠMT CR, ED1.1.00/02.0070, 2011-2015, completed, start: 2011-01-01, end: 2015-12-31
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Robust & Safe Mobile Co-operative Autonomous Systems, Artemis JU, 100233, 2010-2013, completed, start: 2010-04-01, end: 2013-04-30
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Mobile Autonomous Robot, FRVŠ MŠMT, FR2818/2006/G1, 2006-2007, completed, start: 2006-01-31, end: 2007-01-31