On our own: Opportunities and Risks in the Individualization of Society, MŠMT CR, CZ.02.01.01/00/23_025/0008710, 2025-2028, accepted, start: 2025-05-01, end: 2028-12-31
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Verification and Analysis for Safety and Security of Applications in Life, EC EU - HORIZON EUROPE, SEP-210979090, SEP-210979090, 2024-2027, running, start: 2024-06-01, end: 2027-05-31
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Language memory of the regions of the Czech Republic. Machine learning methods for preservation, documentation and presentation of the dialects of the Czech language, MC CR, DH23P03OVV010, 2023-2027, running, start: 2023-03-01, end: 2027-12-31
DetailPractical verification of the possibility of integrating artificial intelligence for receiving emergency calls using a voice chatbot, developed within the research project BV No. VI20192022169, with technology for receiving emergency communications, MV CR, VK01020132, 2023-2025, running, start: 2023-01-06, end: 2025-10-31
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Supplier of development and experimental work for the PPIBK project - part 1. VZ, Allium, 2021-2022, completed, start: 2021-10-22, end: 2022-02-28
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Deep learning in psychotherapy: Machine learning applied on therapeutic session recordings, TACR, TL03000049, 2020-2023, completed, start: 2020-05-01, end: 2023-08-31
DetailMulti-linguality in speech technologies, MŠMT CR, LTAIN19087, 2020-2023, completed, start: 2020-01-01, end: 2023-08-31
DetailWELCOME - Multiple Intelligent Conversation Agent Sevices for Reception, Management and Integration of Third Country Nationals, EC EU - Horizon 2020, 870930, 2020-2023, completed, start: 2020-02-01, end: 2023-04-30
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ATCO2 - Automatic collection and processing of voice data from air-traffic communications, EC EU - Horizon 2020, 864702, 2019-2022, completed, start: 2019-11-01, end: 2022-02-28
DetailEmployment of artificial intelligence into an emergency call reception, MV CR, VI20192022169, 2019-2022, completed, start: 2019-07-04, end: 2022-05-31
DetailROXANNE - Real time network, text, and speaker analytics for combating organized crime, EC EU - Horizon 2020, 833635, 2019-2022, completed, start: 2019-09-01, end: 2022-12-31
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Ericsson - Speaker Change Point Detection (SCPD) in media content, Ericsson, 2018-2019, completed, start: 2018-04-02, end: 2019-09-30
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IARPA Machine Translation for English Retrieval of Information in Any Language (MATERIAL) - Foreign Language Automated Information Retrieval (FLAIR), IARPA, FA8650-17-C-9118, 2017-2021, completed, start: 2017-09-21, end: 2021-10-22
DetailNTT - Speech enhancement front-end for robust automatic speech recognition with large amount of training data, NTT, 2017-2018, completed, start: 2017-10-01, end: 2018-09-30
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IT4Innovations excellence in science, MŠMT CR, LQ1602, 2016-2020, completed, start: 2016-01-01, end: 2020-12-31
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Big speech data analytics for contact centers, EC EU - Horizon 2020, 645323, 2015-2017, completed, start: 2015-01-01, end: 2017-12-31
DetailDARPA Low Resource Languages for Emergent Incidents (LORELEI) - Exploiting Language Information for Situational Awareness (ELISA), USC, HR001115C0115, 2015-2020, completed, start: 2015-09-01, end: 2020-03-31
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Meeting Assistant (MINT), TACR, TA04011311, 2014-2017, completed, start: 2014-10-01, end: 2017-12-31
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Enabling automatic speaker verification to broad spectrum of users in the security domain, MV CR, VG20132015129, 2013-2015, completed, start: 2013-04-01, end: 2015-09-30
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Technologies of speech processing for efficient human-machine communication, TACR, TA01011328, 2011-2014, completed, start: 2011-01-01, end: 2014-12-31
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Multilingual recognition and search in speech for electronic dictionaries, MPO CR, FR-TI1/034, 2009-2013, completed, start: 2009-09-01, end: 2013-08-31