Acknowledgement from EUROMICRO for organising special session at DSD 2008

Acknowledgement from EUROMICRO (The European Organisation for Information Technology and Microelectronics) "Fault Tolerance in Digital Systems Design" at 11th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital Systems Design DSD 2008, Parma, Italy 


BUT rector's prize

Prize was awarded for for excellent study and science results.


Diploma Thesis of the Year

2nd place in the category Mathematical and Cybernetic Problems, Grammars, Metrics, Compilers, Computer Science


Diploma Thesis of the Year

1st place in the category Communication and measure systems


Matoušek Jiří, Ing., Ph.D.
Skočovský Peter, Bc.

GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program in the Czech Republic

On behalf of the GE Foundation, the Institute of International Education conducts this competition at five selected Czech universities (Brno University of Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech University of Agriculture in Prague, Masaryk University in Brno, Technical University of Ostrava) to identify accomplished second-year students in the fields of economics, management, engineering and technology. This scholarship is designed to assist these students develop their human capacity and leadership potential. Students will receive a total of 3,000, the opportunity to participate in a work shadowing day, community service, and a summer seminar with Scholar-Leaders from Hungary, Poland and Romania. The 2008 winners of FIT BUT are: Jiří Matoušek (2BIT) and Peter Skočovský (2BIT).


ICONS 2008 IARIA Best Paper Award

IARIA Best Paper Award for the paper Meta-Design Support for Safe and Secure Networked Embedded Systems by Miroslav Sveda and Radimir Vrba. Presented during ICONS 2008.


Invited evaluation of dr. Munson for Full Professor promotion at University of Wisconsin

Invited external evaluator regarding the promotion of Associate Professor Ethan Munson to the rank of Full Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering & Applied Science, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.


Jan Hlavička Award for Outstanding Results in PhD Studies

The committee awarded Jan Hlavička Prize for outstanding results in PhD studies presented at seminar "Computer
 architectures and diagnostics" for PhD Students, Hejnice, 2008.


Jan Hlavička Award for Outstanding Results in PhD Studies

The committee awarded Jan Hlavička Prize for outstanding results in PhD studies presented at seminar "Computer
architectures and diagnostics" for PhD students, Hejnice, 2008.


Jan Hlavička Award for Outstanding Results in PhD Studies

The committee awarded Jan Hlavička Prize for outstanding results in PhD studies presented at seminar "Computer
architectures and diagnostics" for PhD students, Hejnice, 2008.


Josef Hlávka's Award

Josef Hlávka's Price for the best students and absolvents of Prague public universities, Brno Technical University and young talented workers from Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.


Danko Martin, Ing.
Stříž Martin, Ing.

Hubeika Valiantsina, Ing.
Korček Pavol, Ing.

Prize of Zdena Rábová

Prize is awarded for excellent study and science results.


Silver medal at Humies 2008 Competition (GECCO, Atlanta, USA)

The Humies (Human Competitive Awards in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation) is a competition of innovative designs created by evolutionary algorithms. The authors were awarded for the work summarized in the paper Evolution of Synthetic RTL Benchmark Circuits with Predefined Testability. See also press release of the Brno University of Technology.


Singapore International Graduate Award

Singa je ocenění udělené Akademií věd v Singapuru (A*STAR) na podporu PhD studia v daném zaměření ve spolupráci s Národní Univeristou (NUS) a Nanynag Universitou (NTU).


Abdulla Parosh A.
Bouajjani Ahmed
Holík Lukáš, doc. Mgr., Ph.D.
Kaati Lisa
Vojnar Tomáš, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

The best paper award of CIAA'08

The best paper award of CIAA'08 for the paper P.A. Abdulla, A. Bouajjani, L. Holik, L. Kaati, and T. Vojnar. Composed Bisimulation for Tree Automata.


The Commemorative Medal of BUT (The Silver Medal)

The medal was awarded for development of university education.


The Commemorative Medal of FIT BUT (The Gold Medal)

Academic Senate Faculty of Information Technology BUT awarded the Gold Medal of the Faculty of Information Technology BUT in recognition of significant contribution to the development of the faculty and the entire BUT during the term of office of the Dean


The 14th CLSP Summer Workshop on Human Language Technology begins on July 7, 2008

Each summer, CLSP organizes and hosts an intensive research workshop focusing on speech and language engineering. These very successful workshops have widespread impact on the Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition (LVCSR), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Dialog communities.

The summer workshops offer the opportunity to start examining areas that are promising but not well investigated due to lack of human resources, e.g. the right combination of diverse expertise, or material resources such as appropriate labeled corpora. Perhaps the most important contributions of the summer workshops are the intangibles like cross-fertilization of ideas between research groups and transfer of knowledge from renowned experts to sponsors. In many cases workshop research has subsequently influenced solutions and approaches to problems in the language and speech community that are of particular interest to the Government, Industry, and Academia. Additionally the workshops offer the opportunity to seed a variety of research projects that are continued well after the workshop is over.

The workshops make significant contributions to the pool of trained specialists in the fields of speech and natural language processing by providing training to students, allowing researchers to learn from each other, and educating all workshop participants and government employees through guest lectures, participant seminars, and team research updates.

A vast majority of workshop participants have remarked that the single biggest benefit of the workshop to them has been the interaction with others which leads indirectly to many other benefits long after the workshops.


Trans it! - the best applicable inventions at CTU award

Trans it! - the best applicable inventions at CTU award


Wolfganga Kempelen medaile

For contributions to the development to scientific resolution in informstics and information technologies.


Wolfganga Kempelen medaile

For contributions to the development to scientific resolution in informastics and information technologies.


Year activity and the best instructor price


Letko Zdeněk, Ing.

1st place in the students competition AFCEA 2008

Competition of The best student project on the field of information and communication systems given by AFCEA (Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association) Czech republic.

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