Award for excellent results in PhD studies on Czech-Slovakian seminar for PhD students of computer architectures and diagnostics PAD 2009
Best Paper Award - Future Computing 2009
...for GPU Accelerators for Evolvable Cellular Automata by Luděk Žaloudek, Lukáš Sekanina and Václav Šimek, presented during Future Computing 2009, The First International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications, held in Athens/Glyfada, Greece, November 15-20, 2009
Best paper award - MEMICS 2009
Best Paper Award at MEMICS 2009 for the paper Efficient Hardware Accelerator for Symbolic Regression Problems written by Zdenek Vasicek and Lukas Sekanina.
BUT rector's prize
Prize was awarded for for excellent study and science results.
Diploma Thesis of the Year
1st place in category Cloud computing, virtualization, development tools, mobile applications, operating systems, mathematical structures and algorithms
Vavruša Marek, Bc.
Vítek Vojtěch, Bc.
GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program in the Czech Republic
On behalf of the GE Foundation, the Institute of International Education conducts this competition at five selected Czech universities (Brno University of Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech University of Agriculture in Prague, Masaryk University in Brno, Technical University of Ostrava) to identify accomplished second-year students in the fields of economics, management, engineering and technology. This scholarship is designed to assist these students develop their human capacity and leadership potential. Students will receive a total of € 3,000, the opportunity to participate in a work shadowing day, community service, and a summer seminar with Scholar-Leaders from Hungary, Poland and Romania. The 2009 winners of FIT BUT are: Marek Vavruša (BIT) a Vojtěch Vítek (BIT).
Jan Hlavička Award for Outstanding Results in PhD Studies
The committee awarded Jan Hlavička Prize for outstanding results in PhD studies presented at seminar "Computer
architectures and diagnostics" for PhD Students, Soláň, 2009.
Jan Hlavička Award for Outstanding Results in PhD Studies
The committee awarded Jan Hlavička Prize for outstanding results in PhD studies presented at seminar "Computer
architectures and diagnostics" for PhD Students, Soláň, 2009.
Jan Hlavička Award for Outstanding Results in PhD Studies
The committee awarded Jan Hlavička Prize for outstanding results in PhD studies presented at seminar "Computer
architectures and diagnostics" for PhD Students, Soláň, 2009.
Danko Martin, Ing.
Networking Academy Games 2009 International
First place in international competition Networking Academy Games 2009.
Outstanding dissertaion award, Rector of CTU in Prague
Outstanding dissertaion award, Rector of CTU in Prague
Soľanka Lukáš, Ing.
Prize of BUT Rector
Rector's award for study and research result.
Lengál Ondřej, Ing., Ph.D.
Šimková Marcela, Ing.
Prize of Zdena Rábová
Prize is awarded for excellent study and science results.
Siemens Award for Outstanding Ph.D thesis
Prize is awarded to postgraduate students for their outstanding Ph.D. thesis.
The Commemorative Medal of BUT (The Gold Medal)
The medal was awarded for development of university education.
The Commemorative Medal of BUT (The Silver Medal)
The medal was awarded for development of university education.