Knowledge Technology Research Group
Textjuicer - Software for Generating Summaries, software
Authors: Dočekal Martin, Fajčík Martin, Hradiš Michal -
MASAPI - Question Answering, software
Authors: Dočekal Martin, Smrž PavelOfficial Implementation of Fact-Checking System "Claim-Dissector", software
Authors: Fajčík Martin, Smrž Pavel, Motlíček Petr -
Query-Based Extractor of Keyphrases, software
Authors: Dočekal Martin, Smrž Pavel -
Official implementation of BUT-FIT's solution from SemEval-2020 Task 4: Commonsense Validation and Explanation, software
Authors: Dočekal Martin, Fajčík Martin, Jon Josef, Smrž PavelR2-D2: System for Open-Domain Question Answering, software
Authors: Fajčík Martin, Dočekal Martin, Ondřej Karel, Smrž Pavel -
Official implementation of BUT-FIT's solution from SemEval-2020 Task 5: Counterfactual Recognition, software
Authors: Dočekal Martin, Fajčík Martin, Jon Josef, Smrž Pavel -
Official implementation of BUT-FIT's solution from Rumoureval2019 competition, software
Authors: Fajčík Martin, Burget Lukáš, Smrž PavelSystem for enrichment of bibliographic data based on full-text analysis, software
Authors: Otrusina Lubomír, Smrž Pavel -
System for semi-automatic linking of bibliographic data to relevant national LOD (Linked Open Data), software
Authors: Otrusina Lubomír, Smrž Pavel -
System for Automatic Semantic Enrichment of Bibligraphic Data, software
Authors: Otrusina Lubomír, Smrž Pavel -
Automatic classifier for CPK, software
Authors: Kurák Ondrej, Otrusina Lubomír, Smrž Pavel -
Blogs downloader for MixedEmotions project, software
Authors: Otrusina Lubomír, Smrž PavelCorpora Processing Software, software
Authors: Doležal Jan, Dytrych Jaroslav, Karásek Miroslav, Kouřil Jan, Otrusina Lubomír, Smrž PavelSemantic Enrichment Component, software
Authors: Doležal Jan, Dytrych Jaroslav, Kouřil Jan, Otrusina Lubomír, Smrž PavelWTF-LOD Extractor, software
Authors: Otrusina Lubomír, Smrž Pavel -
Semantic Annotator, software
Authors: Otrusina Lubomír, Smrž Pavel -
Accelerated DPX decoder, software
Authors: Ila Viorela S., Polok Lukáš, Seeman Michal, Smrž Pavel, Svoboda Aleš, Šolony Marek, Zemčík PavelAnnotation system for Drupal, software
Authors: Cudrák Miloš, Dytrych Jaroslav, Kleban Martin, Kopecký Marek, Kratochvílová Marie, Kubík Lukáš, Loskot Radim, Loukota Petr, Macháček Jakub, Pěnkava Pavel, Petr Martin, Smrž Pavel, Strecha Juraj, Žurek AlešCloudStack vendor module for mOSAIC, software
Authors: Smrž Pavel, Škoda Petr, Šperka SvatoplukDecipher Semantic Annotator, software
Authors: Otrusina Lubomír, Smrž PavelGPU Accelerated Similarity Matrix Module, software
Authors: Ila Viorela S., Polok Lukáš, Smrž Pavel, Svoboda Pavel, Šolony Marek, Zemčík PavelSNAPPER Image Postprocess, software
Authors: Ila Viorela S., Polok Lukáš, Seeman Michal, Smrž Pavel, Šolony Marek, Zemčík Pavel -
Annotation editor, software
Authors: Cudrák Miloš, Dytrych Jaroslav, Kleban Martin, Loukota Petr, Pěnkava Pavel, Smrž PavelClassification Framework for Texts on Visual Arts, software
Authors: Kouřil JanCloud Information Extractor from Scientific Papers, software
Authors: Šperka Svatopluk, Škoda Petr, Smrž PavelContent collector and document analysis for the M-Eco project, software
Authors: Jeřábek Jan, Marek Tomáš, Otrusina Lubomír, Rylko Vojtěch, Smrž Pavel, Sznapka Jakub, Šafář Martin, Uherčík MarošDecipher focused crawler, software
Authors: Mrnuštík MichalDecipher NER a Decipher IE, software
Authors: Otrusina Lubomír, Smrž Pavel, Sznapka Jakub, Šafář MartinR3-COP Knowledge Base, software
Authors: Chmelař Petr, Dalgaard Lars, Smrž Pavel, Zemčík PavelSPARQL Queries Motifs Miner, software
Authors: Šperka Svatopluk -
BUT Recognizer of GeoNames, software
Authors: Otrusina Lubomír, Smrž Pavel, Sznapka Jakub, Šafář MartinHomepage reSearcher, software
Authors: Heller Stanislav, Lokaj Tomáš, Otrusina Lubomír, Smrž PavelLMF dictionary conversion scripts, software
Authors: Kouřil Jan -
Analysis of data from social networks, software
Authors: Otrusina Lubomír, Smrž PavelCLucene indexing tool, software
Authors: Polok Lukáš, Smrž PavelConnexion, software
Authors: Smrž Pavel, Šperka SvatoplukKiWi Information Extraction Service, software
Authors: Schmidt Marek, Smrž PavelRandom Indexing on GPU, software
Authors: Polok Lukáš, Smrž PavelServer for sharing annotations, software
Authors: Dytrych Jaroslav, Smrž PavelSpeech Tagging, software
Authors: Smrž Pavel, Schmidt Marek, Zuzaňák Jiří, Přibyl Bronislav, Navrátil Jan, Láník Aleš, Burget Lukáš, Cipr Tomáš, Fapšo Michal, Glembek Ondřej, Grézl František, Chalupníček Kamil, Karafiát Martin, Matějka Pavel, Schwarz Petr, Szőke Igor