Product Details
Software pro zajištění ochrany systému a autenticity dat
Created: 2019
Maršík Lukáš, Ing. (CAMEA)
FPGA, Xilinx Zynq, embedded system, system protection, data authenticity, image acquisition
The result is a software infrastructure for camera system runtime that ensures authenticity of the acquired image data. The infrastructure consists of the configuration of Camea C_ZX camera and a system for administration and creation of such configurations. The camera is based on Xilinx Zynq platform and it is being exploited in traffic monitoring and industrial applications. In order to ensure authenticity, integrity and undeniability of the data, the infrastructure as a whole ensures creation and storage of cryptography keys, safe booting of the cameras, and security of the hardware, operating system, and applications running on the platform. For the authenticity of the data itself, it exploits other software (V002) developed in the same project.