Product Details
Model of Cycling Traffic Intensity in Brno
Created: 2023
Hynek Jiří, Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS FIT BUT)
cycling, transport, traffic, infrastructure, data analysis, data warehouse, visualization, data modelling, datasets, geographical information systems
The Brno Data Department has access to multiple datasets regarding cycling traffic numbers. They approached the faculty with a goal of developing a model integrating these sources for the Transportation Department of the city planning office to gain insight about how the infrastructure is used daily. Each dataset is aggregated to a different basemap with a slightly different street network. This thesis introduces an algorithmic approach to street matching based on similarity, overlap percentage and other parameters. Two algorithms for matching point-based and polyline-based geometries are presented, as well as a dashboard visualizing values from different datasets side-by-side. The robustness of the algorithms enables usage in any geographical application using spatial data. The dashboard provides useful information about cycling transport for both casual users and professionals designing the infrastructure of Brno.