Product Details
R/Bioconductor package for identification of triplex-forming sequences
Created: 2013
Czech title
R/Bioconductor balíček pro identifikaci sekvencí tvořících triplex
Use of the result by another entity is possible without acquiring a license in some cases
License Fee
The licensor does not require a license fee for the result
Hon Jiří, Ing., Ph.D.
Lexa Matej, Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY)
Martínek Tomáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY)
Rajdl Kamil, Mgr.
Lexa Matej, Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY)
Martínek Tomáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY)
Rajdl Kamil, Mgr.
H-DNA; R/Bioconductor; pattern matching; dynamic programming; triplex; searching; annotation
This package provides functions for identification and visualization of potential intramolecular triplex patterns in DNA sequence. The main functionality is to detect the positions of subsequences capable of folding into an intramolecular triplex (H-DNA) in a much larger sequence. The potential H-DNA (triplexes) should be made of as many cannonical nucleotide triplets as possible. The package includes visualization showing the exact base-pairing in 1D, 2D or 3D.
License Conditions
Free software under the terms of BSD license (see
Centrum excelence IT4Innovations, MŠMT, Operační program Výzkum a vývoj pro inovace, ED1.1.00/02.0070, start: 2011-01-01, end: 2015-12-31, completed
Security-Oriented Research in Information Technology, MŠMT, Institucionální prostředky SR ČR (např. VZ, VC), MSM0021630528, start: 2007-01-01, end: 2013-12-31, running
Security-Oriented Research in Information Technology, MŠMT, Institucionální prostředky SR ČR (např. VZ, VC), MSM0021630528, start: 2007-01-01, end: 2013-12-31, running