Product Details

WTF-LOD Extractor

Created: 2015

Czech title
WTF-LOD Extraktor
In order to use the result by another entity, it is always necessary to acquire a license
License Fee
The licensor does not require a license fee for the result

named entity evaluation, linked open data, CommonCrawl, ClueWeb, Wikipedia


This software creates the Web TextFull linkage to Linked Open Data (WTF-LOD) dataset intended for large-scale evaluation of named entity recognition (NER) systems from the largest publically-available textual corpora, including Wikipedia dumps, monthly runs of the CommonCrawl, and ClueWeb09/12. The software performs de-duplication of the data and advanced cleaning procedures.

License Conditions

Authorized software license


Brno University of Technology, faculty of Information Technology IČ 00216305, Božetěchova 2, 612 66 Brno, (further only FIT BUT) is entitled to license the authorized software accessible at the "Authorized software" page (further only authorized software). Everyone who uses the software in any way at least once becomes the user. The user agrees to comply to the following conditions of use.

Before first usage of the software the user expressed his/her agreement with the following license conditions:

Authorized software

  • is only possible to use in compliance with these license conditions; the user must ensure that the conditions are fulfilled by the eventual third party who is able to access the authorized software,
  • it is not allowed to sell, rent, or otherwise transfer the license without the permission of FIT BUT,
  • is not allowed to include into other software product and distribute the such products derived from the original authorized software without the permission of FIT BUT, or modify the internal structure in any other way, 
  • cannot be modified as the whole or any of its parts so that the information about FIT BUT is removed,
  • is not allowed to reverse analyze, decompile, or modify in any other way,

As the license is granted for free, the software is not covered with any guarantee (this is valid to the maximum extent possible under the law). The user accepts the software „as it is" without any guarantee of any kind, namely, but not limited to, the guarantee of suitability for sales, suitability for the purpose, occurrence of flaws, functionality, quality, performance, or continuous availability or compatibility with other software. Brno University of Technology (to the maximum possible extent under the law) disclaims the duty to compensate any expenses connected with exploitation of the software now and in the future.

If any of the above conditions is violated, the license is automatically terminated and the user must stop use the authorized software immediately.

Centrum excelence IT4Innovations, MŠMT, Operační program Výzkum a vývoj pro inovace, ED1.1.00/02.0070, start: 2011-01-01, end: 2015-12-31, completed
Research groups
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