Project Details
Přenos znalostí v oblasti zpracování obrazových dat ve vestavěných zařízeních
Project Period: 1. 1. 2017 - 30. 9. 2018
Project Type: grant
Agency: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
Program: OP PIK - Partnerství znalostního transferu
know-how transfer, image processing. embedded devices
The investigator team will do: the analysis of the task and character of data for processing, analysis of appropriate steps and implementation of advanced calibration methods, processing and content analysis of image (video) sequence, monitoring of persons, using the data from a multi-camera system, proposal of the system including the synchronization, calibration and fusion of data from more cameras, analysis of persons, realization of proposed solution, testing on annotated data, tests on control data, improvement of methods and system stability and technical documentation of the solution.
Beran Vítězslav, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT) , team leader