Tento projekt je spolufinancován se státní podporou Technologické gentury ČR v rámci Programu na podporu aplikovaného výzkumu a experimentálního vývoje EPSILON (2015-2025)
Výzkum užitečný pro společnost.

Project Details

IotCloud - Inteligence pro systémy IoT

Project Period: 1. 1. 2017 - 31. 12. 2019

Project Type: grant

Code: TH02010845

Agency: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Program: Program na podporu aplikovaného výzkumu a experimentálního vývoje EPSILON (2015-2025)

English title
IotCloud - Intelligence for IoT systems

IoT, database, algorithm


The project goal is to create a cloud-based platform for storing, analyzing and visualizing data reported from sensors and actuators of Internet of Things (IoT) systems. The platform will collect and analyze data from systems of various vendors to provide users with clearly displayed information of high added value due to full utilization and interconnection of different systems. The adaptive algorithms running on the platform will analyze, display and control IoT systems according to the user needs and particular deployment, especially focusing on the ergonomics of environment, energy consumption andsystem control automation. The platform will be modular in order to support adding new services, features and new IoT vendors.

Team members
Kořenek Jan, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY FIT BUT) , research leader
Sekanina Lukáš, prof. Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY FIT BUT)



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