Project Details

Metodika uchovávání sbírkových předmětů kulturní povahy

Project Period: 1. 1. 2013 - 1. 1. 2017

Project Type: grant

Code: DF13P01OVV016

Agency: Ministry of Culture Czech Republic

Program: Program aplikovaného výzkumu a vývoje národní a kulturní identity (NAKI)

English title
Methodic for optimal maintenance of cultural heritage objects

Preventive conservation, movable cultural heritage, sustainability, preservation, monitoring, enviroment


The purpose of the project consists in the preparation of the methodic for long term optimal maintenance of movable cultural heritage objects (further on "objects") in the depositories of collection institutions (museums, galleries) and monuments. Based on the application and evaluation of the current knowledge and experience related to the process of preparation,
projection and building of depositories and to maintenance of objects in the historical monuments there will be proposed an optimal structure of partial steps, that will lead to improved efficiency of the overall protection of objects including the time and economical requirements. It is intended to form a logical pattern where all aspects related to the nature of buildings, specification of the inner environment, potential risks and methods of manipulation and use of objects will be considered. The mentioned set of issues will be solved in a complex manner both for the cases of building of new depositories ("greenfield project") and for modifications and reconstructions of existing spaces indicated to this purpose and also of
current spaces or subjected to the régime of cultural heritage. The attention will be focused on areas that were not systematically treated in the Czech Republic yet. For example the application of technologies of object identification (RFID - radio frequency identification device) and monitoring of harmful influences in the environment where the objects are kept.

These will be practically tested, adapted within the project. The output of the project will consist in a methodic that will provide a practical guidance for simple and also more complex and technologically requiring measures which will improve the quality of maintenance of objects and increase the overall standard of their protection. The methodic will be completed with partial manuals defining the procedures (e.g. evaluation of the  icroclimate, risk analysis etc.) that will also serve as a teaching material for education.

Team members
Selucká Alena, Ing. (TMB) , research leader
Matoušek Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D., M.A. (DIFS FIT BUT)
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