Project Details
Project Period: 1. 4. 2017 - 30. 6. 2017
Project Type: grant
Agency: French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission
Program: Horizon 2020
Industry 4.0
The economy of South Moravia (Czech Republic) is highly dependent on manufacturing activities. The regional economy consists predominantly of SMEs, mostly in the traditional sectors of mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. Many of SMEs face difficulty in absorbing the know-how required for identification and implementation of the most suitable IT solutions for the production processes. The project DIGIMAT aims to verify the most suitable and sustainable regional system which will facilitate the access of regional manufacturing SMEs to the expertise and know-how. Thus, allowing SMEs to maintain and strengthen their position regionally, nationally and internationally.
The overall objective of the DIGIMAT is to elaborate a feasibility study of RDMI Hub in the area of robotics and IoT in the South Moravia. The feasibility study will address 3 specific objectives - assessment of regional innovation ecosystem in the area of robotics and IoT, verification of the most suitable institutional arrangement of the future RDMI-hub and preparation of the sustainable business model of the RDMI-hub.
The consortium is composed of 4 partners - South Moravian Innovation Centre (JIC), Brno University of Technology (BUT), INTEMAC Solutions and Cluster INDUSTRY 4.0. The partners represent well balanced composition allowing further development of the RDMI-hub. JIC represents a regional platform for networking, acceleration and incubation activities with strong outreach to many regional stakeholders and manufacturing companies. Brno University of Technology and INTEMAC Solutions will provide necessary technological platforms, equipment and expertise. Cluster will play a role of intermediary between its members and RDMI-hub.
Zemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT) , team leader
Raida Zbyněk, prof. Dr. Ing. (UREL FEEC BUT)