Project Details
Speech databáze jazyků střední a východní Evropy
Project Period: 1. 1. 1999 - 31. 12. 2000
Project Type: grant
Code: OK 410
Agency: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Czech Republic
Czech title
Řečové databáze jazyků střední a východní Evropy
speech processing
The goal of the project was to create speech databases of Middle and East Europe
Team members
Černocký Jan, prof. Dr. Ing.
, research leader
- GRÉZL František and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Comparison of MFC and RASTA-PLP parameterizations in recognition of distorted Czech words. In: Proc. 10th Aachen Symposium on signal theory algorithms and software for mobile communications. Aachen: Aachen University of Technology, 2001, pp. 429-434. ISBN 3-8007-2610-6. Detail
- MOTLÍČEK Petr, ČERNOCKÝ Jan and BAUDOIN Genevieve. Diphone-like units for very low bit rate speech coder. In: Proceeding of Internal Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. Student session. Salt Lake City, 2001, pp. 48-48. ISBN 0-7803-7041-4. Detail
- MOTLÍČEK Petr, ČERNOCKÝ Jan and BAUDOIN Genevieve. Diphone-like units without phonemes-option for very low bit rate speech coding. In: Proc. Eurocon2001. Bratislava: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2001, pp. 463-467. ISBN 0-7803-6490-2. Detail
- MOTLÍČEK Petr and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Minimization of transition noise in very low bit rate speech coding. In: Proc. Radioelektronika 2001. Brno: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science BUT, 2001, pp. 396-399. ISBN 80-214-1861-3. Detail
- GRÉZL František and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Robustness of MFC and RASTA-PLP parameterizations in Recognition of Distorted Czech Words. In: Proc. Radioelektronika 2001. Brno: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science BUT, 2001, pp. 392-395. ISBN 80-214-1861-3. Detail
- HEUVEL Henk, BOUDY Jerome, BAKCSI Zoltan, ČERNOCKÝ Jan, GALUNOV Valerij, KOCHANINA Julia, MAJEWSKI Wojciech, POLLÁK Petr, RUSKO Milan, SADOWSKI Jerzy, STARONIEWICZ Piotr and TROPF Herbert. SpeechDat-East: Five multilingual speech databases for voice-operated teleservices completed. In: Proc. EUROSPEECH 2001. Aalborg: International Speech Communication Association, 2001, p. 4. ISBN 87-90834-09-7. Detail
- ČERNOCKÝ Jan, BAUDOIN Genevieve, PETROVSKA-DELACRETAZ Dijana and CHOLLET Gerard. Vers une analyse acoustico-phonetique de la parole independante de la langue, basee sur ALISP. Revue Parole, vol. 2001, no. 17, pp. 191-226. ISSN 1373-1955. Detail
- ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Závěrečná zpráva o řešení projektu OK410/2000: Eastern European Speech Databases for Creation of Voice Driven Teleservices, zpráva pro MŠMT. Brno, 2000. Detail
- ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Průběžná zpráva o řešení projektu OK 410/1999 (MŠMT): Eastern Europen Speech Databases for Creation of Voice Driven Teleservices (SpeechDat-E). Brno: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science BUT, 1999. Detail